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- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-25-2010 20:46 Edited 09-25-2010 20:52
Been out welding uphand pipe this last three weeks. Working on 3" hot water piping feeding some boilers. Funny thing is the prints call out a 2-1/2" 3 way valve(mixing valve) and 2-1/2" balance valve. So had to drop down in the proper locations to 2-1/2" flanges, don't understand that one and have asked but seems nobody can explain it to me. Again, no fitter on this job......well me but can't call myself a true fitter. Everything has gone pretty smooth on this one. They changed the location of the piping so instead of running to existing valves we have to shut down the system, drain it and weld in new flanges and butterfly's so I can finish and tie it all in. The second couple of pictures is of a set of stair stringers I'm working on for a client. Told him typically channel is used but on this house(very nice home) I could not see using something so industrial looking, even for back steps. So I stood there looking at his rotting wood stringers and thought.....why couldn't I have them cut out just like wood stringers. So found a place 20 minutes from home that does laser cutting, sent them a print and three weeks later(they were covered up) I got my stringers. Got them together today and gonna put on some stubs on the outside at the top and bottom to mount the railing with bolts. He also did not want any wood on these, boring bee's are trying to consume his home! So they decided on Trex decking. Whole thing will be done in white powder coat with decorative collars on the balusters and 2-1/4" caprail and large lambs tongues. Getting stoked about getting this done, gonna look pretty slick I think. Anyhow, here are the pics. Oh yeah, and put a pic of a pipe cap on here, the two bullet holes are from an apparent misfire with my new tomahawk chipping hammer!! Looking to get done with this job, local welding repair shop guy I know of is getting an SA200 ready for excited!!!
Parent - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 09-25-2010 22:19
Nice work. I'll be interested to see the final product on the stairs.

Parent - - By cajun welder (**) Date 09-25-2010 22:28
Nice job on both projects. I like the way the stairs are coming out. Your going to like the sa200.
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 09-26-2010 01:35
Your not only going to like it but you will ask your self why you took so long.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-26-2010 03:51
Yeah, the more I weld with the ranger the more I notice that it changes with the weather sort of speak. Set it at this setting today and welds day or two days later same setting and it seems different. Been doing alright the last couple weeks now that I've got her dialed in but can still notice subtle changes when running the weld. Can't complain about her though, done me very well these last couple years. Gonna throw her back on the cart I got when I bought her and store her in the shop for those jobs where you may need a second one or something like that.
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 09-26-2010 14:38
You should have no problems calling yourself a fitter. That looks great. Did you do the copper?
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-26-2010 22:12
Naw, didn't do the copper. The company over the job supplied 2 guys to help me when needed and run copper and gas pipe. Worked with these two several times and they can sure livin' up a day!! If the weather holds out(normal fall temps) they want to shut the system down Friday and put in the butterfly's then get to connecting the two ends. I figure two more days out there then it's send them an invoice time!!
- - By up-ten (***) Date 09-26-2010 16:52
Mr. Versatility! Last pics you had up you were pipelining, now you're burning 7018 uphand and if that ain't enough, they threw some stairs at you. Way to go Cummins!!
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-26-2010 22:15
Tell me about it, tomorrow weather permitting I'm back out on the pipeline. They got most of the pipe buried and have to put in a couple 45's to head towards the mainline on both ends. They're having somebody come out to do something to the mainline to divert it to this new line we put in, then I'll have to cap the old line. Should be an interesting week for certain.
Parent - - By nevadanick (**) Date 09-27-2010 23:16
what size 7018 were you using on that cap ? It doesnt look bad but you need to tighten your weave up.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-02-2010 10:13
I was using 1/8 6010 for root, 3/32 7018 for the hot/fill and cap. Could get it done in 3 passes.
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 10-04-2010 23:04
Right on !, BTW man im NOT one of these guys that always tries to give advice but NEVER posts pics of their own work.
Parent - - By Rig Hand (***) Date 10-02-2010 18:05
They're having somebody come out to do something to the mainline to divert it to this new line we put in, then I'll have to cap the old line. Should be an interesting week for certain.

Probably a stopple. You'll get a kick out of that whole process :)  Take your camera.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-02-2010 18:57
Yeah, the local farmers have been stopping by to chat and see what we've been up to. One of them keeps asking when they are gonna come out and do it, he wants to watch. Another one said he don't want to be within ten miles of the place!!
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 10-04-2010 03:22
Hello Cumminsguy,
  Like Rig Hand said, if they are using Mueller bottom out stoppers, and if you've never seen it done, you want to be there to watch them putting on the pancakes, tapping, stopping and setting the completion plugs. It will take most all day as it takes about an hour just to cut out both sides of the main, plus all the set up time. Pretty cool operation though. Let us know what you think, Tom
- By hillbilly (**) Date 09-28-2010 03:13
Where's you file at ?!?! Keep that dang chipping hammer away from that pipe. LOL
- - By PipeIt (**) Date 09-28-2010 10:33
What brand boilers are those Aerco's?
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-02-2010 10:11
The hot water heaters and boilers were all Lochinvar brand. All computer controlled, looks like pretty slick stuff.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-02-2010 10:21
Have an update on the boiler job above. Finished that off yesterday. School was closed so the maintenance crew shut the system down and drained it off for us. Got everything tied in, new butterfly valves in and they were turning the water back on when I was rolling up. Had a few 6g's there at the end and was kinda worried about my cap looking good, position welds off a 12' ladder. Must be getting that experience thing down, 6g caps did not look bad at all, actually pretty good. Talked with the head of the maintenance crew out there and they found out I was not a direct hire welder for the company that I was doing the work for but an independent "rig welder". Handed my card to the head guy, at his request. Said he had some other stuff he'd like me to look at and would like to send me information on some bid jobs. Told him he could contact the guys at the gas company for a reference or the city of Nashville guys and he said, " I think all the reference I need is in that mechanical room". Feels pretty good to hear the client talk up your work. So job one done, now the fun part sending the invoice!!!
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 10-02-2010 12:18
Looks like you are living the dream!
" I think all the reference I need is in that mechanical room". When you are a one man band carving out a living in this business, those beat any doctored up resume and buddies on the fone braggin' you up! These are the men that will tell their contacts about you, and then you get calls out of the blue from people you've never met for work. I've seen more than a few resumes that read like Hobart, Miller and James F. Lincoln, themselves were standing right there in front of you. But the the test booth told a different tale.
Gumption gets the work, and looks like you've got it.
Good job! Keep it up. Party on Garth.
Oh yeah, getting that invoice thing cleared up can be the toughest part of the job.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Latest Gigs

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