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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Type 718 Waspaloy
- - By Shaggy Date 09-28-2010 19:25
I am trying to research how to weld on #718 Waspaloy and through all the info I have found none of it really tells me much about how to weld it or which shielding gas to use. The specific application I'm looing at is welding #718 Waspaloy 3/8" thick in 3G with a back purge. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 09-28-2010 20:54
Waspaloy ? Doesn't that call for Dirt Dobber Passes ?
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 09-28-2010 20:55
Sorry, I couldn't help myself !
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-28-2010 21:42

Please double check your alloy.

The Inconel family of alloys has an alloy 718  (inco 718)

Waspaloy as far as I know is a single material and not a family of alloys.

They (Waspaloy and inco 718) are comparable in that they are both commonly used in hot sections and fall under the umbrella of "super alloys"  Waspaloy is a relative newcomer compared to inconel 718

I've welded alot of both and if processes are under strict control and you are using *proven* procedures, there is little difficulty.

Waspaloy is age hardenable wheras Inco 718 is precipitation hardenable.

Here is a link to Waspaloy that includes some basic weldability data..  Note the annealing requirement.!!!!!

Here is prolly more than you wanted to know about inco 718
Parent - By Shaggy Date 09-28-2010 23:52
Thanks Lawrence. I had just came across that same issue when I called Washington Alloys for info and they said that there was a 718 alloy and Waspaloy, but not both. I'm not really sure how my instructor came up with that exact welding application, since it should fall under ASM 5544. I appreciate the help.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-29-2010 00:16 Edited 09-29-2010 00:41
Did you try any of these sites below?

Hey Lawrence! Off topic, but look @ page 25 in this .pdf:

Also, Larry! I'm sure you'll appreciate this regarding the history of alloy 718 and where "Waspaloy" was being exclusively used beforehand - take a look at this .pdf:

Here are more links for you Shaggy:

When you write "#718 Waspaloy" are you referring to a "Super-Waspaloy" or an "Allvac 718 plusTM and I ask this because "Waspaloy" has similar characteristics to a Nickel alloy 718, but it is not the same as alloy 718... So if you could give us the Mfg. of this "#718 Waspaloy" we could then give you more specific assistance - CAPECHE??? ;)

Now, if you're using an ATI 718Plus Alloy then here's a link for you which can be helpful:

Here's another very good technical article regarding the weldability of ATI 718 Plus Alloy when compared to regular Alloy 718 and "Waspaloy."

Also, what filler metal are you using? Are you using copper back up purging bars? What process are you using to weld? Pure Argon is recommended for GTAW.

Here are some more links which may or not be helpful since you have given us a very limited amount of information regarding the specifics to your project...

If you're not using the GTA welding process, then I recommend that you look at this link fro WeldMold and follow their recommended procedures for welding Waspaloy with the SMAW and FCAW processes...

Also Ed Craig's site has some shielding gas recommendations for GMAW here...

Btw, stringer beads are recommended instead of weaving and this is recommended for all processes.

However, if you're looking for weld properties for Inconel Alloy 718, then here's .pdf that could be helpful to you:

Of course, without knowing exactly which base metal you're using, I can only give you some of the options listed. If you know the UNS or AMS number for the base metal, and possibly the Manufacturer of the material and post it here, we can help further.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Type 718 Waspaloy

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