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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MIG Gun Poll
- - By TimGary (****) Date 10-09-2010 00:10
Let's do a poll...
Which MIG gun is your favorite, heavy duty, user friendly version, and with what type of nozzle?

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-09-2010 01:01
I am using the all rubber MT-200 [Linde] style. I like it, but I doubt I can find the 1/4-20 threaded contact tips, may have to put on a different gas difuser. It uses a slip on copper insulated nozzle.
This is not a heavy duty gun, but I only have it on a 200 amp machine.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 10-09-2010 01:06
Didn't Linde go out of buisness eons ago?
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-09-2010 01:54
Esab still built that MT-200 gun 'till perhaps 10 years ago, maybe even later than that. I probably have one of the last ones.
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 10-09-2010 18:43 Edited 10-09-2010 18:47
Dave I get my tips from Airgas. I have to order them but they get me 10 at a time. If you need some send me a PM and I will hook you up. I only use my old L-Tec machine once or twice a month now but it has been a good machine. I also like the MT-200. I have a Roughneck C series on both my portable mig feeders and I really like them. They dont have the centerfire tips and that is just fine by me! Just my opinion but the centerfire system SUCKS!
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 10-10-2010 22:42
Linde brings back memories I did my first MIG on a Linde in 1976.
I had totally forgot about that machine, ran smooth and sweet.
Thank you
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-09-2010 10:04
Hey Tim..

I like the old Tweco #4 and 5.    Super robust body that can be repaired time and again over the years..  Easy consumables.. Easy switch from short circuit to spray configuration with no change in consumables.

I was enraged when Miller began selling new equipment with Bernard Centerfire guns and consumables and no other option.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-09-2010 10:10
Bernard and Lincoln Magnum Pro.....we run these on everything.
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 10-11-2010 17:04
Bernard 250 amp centerfire with the brass tapered and extended tip nozzles for short circuit w/100% CO2 and 400 amp w/copper recessed tip for pulse and spray transfer
Parent - - By Black Wolf (**) Date 10-12-2010 04:47
I have 2 different guns that I use:

A Lincoln Magnum 300 with a custom Short Neck and Tregaskiss Gas Diffuser/nozzle and Tips


A Tweco Compact Gold with standard Tweco Consumables.<---- Has the Swivel Ball neck on it - GREAT for getting all those Out-Of-Position Welds.
Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 10-13-2010 19:22
Gased wires - Tweco number 3, provided it has adequate capacity for the work at hand, if not then the Tweco number 4.  However I am not taken with Tweco choosing to build so many products in Mexico for sale in the US.

For light gauge MIG work I like the Miller M25.

For Innershield / Coreshield I like the Lincoln K126-1.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 10-13-2010 20:46
I've always used Tweeco guns, and some Bernard.
The company I work for now is using Tregaskiss.
They seem to be allright. I guess every gun has it's ups and downs.
I've been asked to do some research in order to see if there are better options.
Which gun would you say is the most reliable yet versatile for both spray and pulse?

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MIG Gun Poll

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