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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / job offer
- - By weaver (***) Date 10-09-2010 16:49
hey fellas,  So I have been offered a job. Heading up his welding division, and doing all the field work. 65 an hr plus full bennys. I have been working for my self for seven years now and love the freedom, but I provide my own benefits and everything else. My friend is offering to take care of everything. I hate managing other welders ( lets face it, welders are winers) . So I know the offer is perfect but i love my freedom and my company is holding it's own. ideas?
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 10-09-2010 18:43
If you don't try it you'll never know. You can always go back to what you're doing now. Pro's and con's either way.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-10-2010 00:20
Pretty good opportunity to pass up without trying it out for size.  BUT...

Number one caution to me:  working for "FRIENDS" does not always work out.  Seldom actually.  He is the 'BOSS' and you need to be sure you can live and work with that.

Freedom is a definite consideration, especially if you are doing well in your current condition. 

You say you "hate managing other welders" ?  If this is a strong preference or caution in your own mind before even going into it...???  You may start regretting the decision real soon.

Does this qualify for 'three strikes... YOU'RE OUT' ???

Good Luck.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 10-10-2010 02:56
he is a friend, we have done alot of work in the past, he can be a "hard customer" , but I am not worried about that. I just love my freedom.. well I still have a few days to figure it out.
Parent - By TRC (***) Date 10-10-2010 14:30
Mr Weaver. my story is almost identical. I went to work for a pipeline contractor two years ago. It is union so I had some protection. BUT it was the extra verbal stuff that I got drug through the mud on. Like signicant bonus for passing a certain gas company weld test, vacation, 40hr guarantee. These all went away when thing got a little tough. They were also a big reason I gave up being self employed. What I getting at is even if you've been life long friends get it all in a contract or you may have regrets- Ted
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 10-11-2010 00:28
I don't care if you and he nursed on them same teat, GET EVERYTHING PROMISED IN WRITING.
Be sure any understanding, especially on pay and bonus is clearly understood and there are no areas needing clarification.
Have this reviewed by a lawyer who is familiar with employment contract law.
I have done the handshake with a "friend". It did not end well.
Parent - - By Northweldor (***) Date 10-11-2010 12:19
Excellent advice! I also did hand shake with ex-friends and lost money, time, and legal expenses.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 10-12-2010 16:58
I'll never put another friend on my payroll. I'll refer them and work on the same job, but not a direct hire under me. Friends and family will screw you the worst! Strangers don't know you well enough to know if you'll go berserk or medieval on them.
Parent - - By PipeIt (**) Date 10-13-2010 21:25
Good advice I was taught the only ship that won't float is a "partnership" lol
Parent - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 10-13-2010 23:17
The hardest part of working with or for friends is keeping business, business and leaving work at work when the day is done.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / job offer

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