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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding basics?
- - By icantweld Date 09-13-2002 22:51
i have never welded a thing in my life but i want to start to learn. anyone have any good basic directions. maybe some names of some good books i can get at barnes and nobles would be great. soem basic directions would be better though. i have welding equipment at work and my boss doesnt know how to use it either as he just took over the position there. any help would be great as i am in the dark. thanks in advance AJ
Parent - By Jay Krout (*) Date 09-14-2002 00:28
Yes you can weld if you want to learn, there is night courses at most vo-tech schools that will teach adults at night. They use a textbook called modern welding it's usually the same book the high school kids use. It's a big thick animal that hhas good diagrams and is easy to understand. If I was you and just wanted to learn enough to get started and do some work for myself this is the way to go. If you want to learn enough to make a decent living aty this and get good at it consider trade school. By the way that text book I talked about earlier can be had at any good boofstor for about 30 -35 buks I hpoethis helpps and gooodd luk J. Krout
Parent - - By Niekie3 (***) Date 09-14-2002 19:01
If you want us to give you some basic info, then we need to at least know what type of welding machine you have. We need to know what process you will be welding with, and what type of work you want to do with it.

Niekie Jooste
Parent - - By icantweld Date 09-15-2002 13:58
i really have no clue what kind of information you would even need to know about the machine except that it is old first off and it is a Lincoln. like i said i cant weld and have no clue about welding so when you say process what do you mean? sorry again for my lack of knowledge......AJ
Parent - - By Jay Krout (*) Date 09-15-2002 17:06
Maybe you should leave the thing alone for your own safety until you can get someone there to show you a little about it. I'm not tellin you this to be a smart fart, but you could get hurt.
It's probably a stick welder. But give me a little bit better description of the machine--is shaped like a box--or a torpedoe--what for dials do you have on it and how are they set up--or do you have just one dial that locks into different settings-- how are the numbers set up with the dials--most important,somewhere on that machine there should be a small plate on that plate you will find the size of the machine duty cycle whether or not it's an AC welder, a DC welder, or both. This is all stuff we got to know if you want someone to help you. Someone that knows what they are doing should be there anyway to get you started with it. Check out a bookstore for that textbook I was telling you about earlier, that will help you too. J Krout
Parent - By icantweld Date 09-16-2002 00:27
its shaped like a box. i will get some more info for a better description tomm when i am at work. thanks again
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-16-2002 04:22
Model number is a good place to start.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding basics?

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