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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / To fill or not to fill, that is the question
- - By aevald (*****) Date 10-25-2010 05:22
Hello folks, this past week our welding staff hosted the semi-annual get together of our Washington Welding Instructors Association meeting. We arranged for a couple of tours for the group. One of these tours included Airgas's local fill plant. This is the first time that my partner and I had toured this part of their facilities. It has been in it's current location for a number of years, yet like so many other things it seems that we just hadn't thought about it before now. If you have a facility such as this in your area I believe you would benefit greatly to take such a tour if at all possible. I have a series of photos of various aspects of the operation, the first photos are of a cut-away showing carbonic acid induced erosion of the internal portion of a C02 cylinder, oddly enough they told us that the bottle passed a hydro-test, yet after a UT scan they found the defects shown in the photos. A few of the next photos show the hydro-test equipment, we were told that they generally only use this system for bottles that are special issue and generally not in the data base of their UT machines. Since hydroeing is a lengthy process with many different steps it has been largely replaced by the UT systems. The final series of photos show the 2 different machines that they use for UT'ing all of the various sizes and types of bottles generally used by most everyone. They also showed how they used "calibration" bottles to verify the accuracy of each unit. The larger of the two machines includes a wheel-a-brator to clean the old paint and stickers off of the bottles before they are inspected and to facilitate the process so that they can be painted and restamped before being put back into service. Additionally, we viewed the other aspects of the "fill lines" and got a run-down on the various safeties employed in the process. A very informative and great tour. Hope you folks enjoy the photos. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 10-25-2010 05:47
Great photos Allan.  I will show these on the overhead.  Thanks for posting.  And that was an excellent tour!
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 10-25-2010 06:14
Hello Blaster, glad to hear that you enjoyed it. I will be talking to you later. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-25-2010 11:37
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! appears that was a tank that was merely one bump or drop on the dock away from releasing it's contents.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 10-25-2010 11:42 Edited 10-25-2010 13:11
Hello John, that's the humorous end of it, I say humorous only because no one was hurt. It was actually hissing out of the spot on the left of the photo when one of the warehousemen walked by it and heard it. Best regards, Allan

Edit: I should elaborate a bit here, I mentioned UT on this cylinder in my other post, after they heard it hissing they evacuated the contents and then UT'd it and cut it apart to compare the results of the UT. We were told that it basically lit up the screen during the testing and they weren't disappointed with their comparisons.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-25-2010 14:43
WOW!!  That could have had very bad consequences.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / To fill or not to fill, that is the question

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