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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Last little job
- - By rcwelding (***) Date 10-27-2010 00:57 Edited 10-27-2010 01:12
I just finished up a fun little job... Most of you guys will probably laugh at it but I really enjoyed it..!!!  A guy that I have done allot of work for over the last few yeas asked me to build him a dozer rake for what he called a D7 dozer but it weighed 97k lbs... Thats sounds a bit big for a D7... Its an old Dresser...

   Here are some pictures..  Enjoy them or laugh at them... Whatever you are in the mood for..!!!  LOL..!!  Don't give me too much hell on my uphill guys..!!! I ran it with 5/32  110-18 and ether I really suck or that stuff is a bit tricky to run uphill... I will let you decide which... LOL..!! This is my first time running 110-18
Attachment: dozer0.jpg - 2X8 inch AR400 (148k)
Attachment: dozer1.jpg - Fitting up rake teeth (45k)
Attachment: dozer2.jpg (113k)
Attachment: dozer3.jpg (71k)
Attachment: dozer4.jpg (26k)
Attachment: dozer5.jpg (110k)
Attachment: dozer6.jpg (86k)
Attachment: dozer7.jpg (131k)
Parent - By Wrench Tech (**) Date 11-01-2010 00:05
I think it looks pretty good and well built.  I should be strong enough if used the way it should but the mild steel tynes are going to wear down really fast.  Good job.
- - By strother (***) Date 10-27-2010 01:15
the rake looks good . did you do the hardfacing on the blade ? I'm curious about the circles and dots
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 10-27-2010 01:25
i woulda put a humongous weave on that uphill with those 5's. haha
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 10-27-2010 01:35
I tried..!!!  I couldn't get it to weave to save my life and make it look good... I had that 110-18 turned down as far as I could and the puddle would hold nice for a second then as I started going up it would fall out and look like a dang camel's back... Stringers is the only way I could get it to look worth a darn.. I was really starting to doubt my welding skills but I grabbed some 7018 when I was done and I could make it do whatever I wanted it to...  I would love to see someone that can run that stuff good and have them show me how to run it... It almost kicked my tail... LOL

Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 10-27-2010 01:25 Edited 10-27-2010 01:41
No I didn't do the hard facing .. LOL   I had a guy ask me that while I was working on it.. I told him since the Dozer was in Az that that is how they do it there... It's a Southwestern design..!!!  LOL... The guy bought it at Ritchie Brothers and I think it came out of a copper mine....  It had a bunch of Black slag looking rocks all over it... Anyway it was on the dozer when I got there..  

Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 10-27-2010 01:26
the torch cuts on your gussetts are gonna need alot of grinding mak sure u
use a guard lol
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 10-27-2010 01:38
LOL...!!!  I took that picture before I cut them down and rounded them up a bit... They looked good when I left... I will deal with a guard... Im not fond of running a grinder naked..

Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 10-27-2010 02:45
so you prob not going to believe this, but the trick to running 11018 is to run it hot. big time hot. I have ran a ton of that rod, and 5/32 is the way to go. Props to you on that project, pics are great. regards shannon
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 10-27-2010 02:57
Better hide this from ole partBS he'll nit pick u to death but ole JW says heck yeah looks good
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-27-2010 05:10
The brush rarely cares what the weld looks like.

Nice work.

Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 10-27-2010 13:45
RC, yes the trick is to run it hot. I run it 10 to 20amps hotter than I run 7018 depending on the situation. As for the Dozer it looks to me like it was pushing slag out of a smelter or molly De-Cant out of a roaster maybe. Nice job and looks like it was a fun project, looks to me like the two outside rakes wont last very long though. One good rock or stump and they will twist back.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 10-27-2010 14:50
Im afraid that rake is doomed...  The owner hasn't run much equipment and he kept getting more and more excited as I built it... He was saying man I can sink that thing in the ground and really do some tearing... I kept telling him it was a rake and it may look tough as heck but it is made to just touch the ground and clean up downed brush not used as a ripper... He kept saying Oh No that thing is a monster... It can do it..!!!  Even though that rake weighed in around 2100lbs As close as I could figure I think that dozer will twist and tear it to shreds if he's not careful... Oh well I built it as tough as I could..!!! 

  Now he is talking about building what he called a knife... I guess you build two 5ft long ripper shanks and weld a V-bar between them so it sinks deep in the ground and cuts roots and whatever else is in the way... I have never seen one but I think that that nice,soft,fluffy Az ground will tear it up in a heartbeat...  LOL..  He wants to build it out of 3in thick by 24inch wide by 5ft tall AR400 for the ripper shanks and roughly the same for the knife to go between the shanks...  Im not sure if I want to get into the middle of that job or not..!!!  LOL..!!

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-27-2010 15:03 may want to add some actual teeth to those rake points...LOL
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-27-2010 14:12
People have their favorite patterns....the idea is to have raised areas to contact the abrasive surfaces first, so that wears instead of the actual bucket material...otherwise the dirt or whatever abrasive media you are working in will wear a hole in the bucket.

check this out:  (check out page 2-36 patterns specific to your project)
- - By Bob Garner (***) Date 10-27-2010 16:08
Somehow that doesn't look like the D7 I used to operate.  I managed to bury the blade when I was a beginner, and yes, it will stop the dozer right in it's tracks (no pun).  The rake will have to be strong enough for that if he drives a Cat like I used to.

Bob G.
Parent - By slagline 3 (**) Date 10-28-2010 18:28
RC look up KG cutter blade on the web. I use to run one on my High horseower 46A D8. It will do some serious clearing.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Last little job

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