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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / ASME Code N-600
- - By boilermaker (**) Date 09-24-2002 22:17
Does anyone know if this ASME code has been approved for the Nuclear industry? Just curious because I haven't heard anything about it since it was mentioned inthe March 2001 issue of the Welding Journal. Just in case someone isn't familiar, it was supposed to make recipricality for nuclear welders to take one test for one company and their certs would have been good for the rest of the industry, no matter what company or contractor. I hope someone can help....Thanks, John
Parent - By Neal Chapman (**) Date 10-26-2002 09:50
Great question....thanks. The ASME XI committee is really looking ahead and I think(hope) will lead the way for exciting changes in welding administration in and outside the power industry.

The utility I work for is in the process of having the NRC review this Code Case in a relief request. This relief request probably won't make it back to me for several months. The sibling Code Case N-573 (sharing WPS/PQRs amongst Owners) is now accepted or soon to be accepted for the entire industry. Several utilities have gotten that approved on a site by site basis.

I'd like to clarify the code case language a little. Welders would be required to test for the owner to demonstrate proficiency. The benefit lies in having the more difficult and costly tests transferrable. My understanding is that if a welder has several tests (hvy wall, inconel, SS, small dia, etc) this one demonstation test will suffice. There are conditions that pipe welding certs can only be supported by a pipe demo test and that all claimed processes must be used in that demo.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / ASME Code N-600

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