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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding issues,Please Advise me!
- - By fosters3 Date 09-26-2002 22:49
I'm welding a nose onto a BMW 320i(unibody). I was told to remove the alternator and fuses so I don't fry them.
My brother fried a Toyota truck alternator once. What should I unhook or remove? I don't want to fry the alt.,FI
brain, wiring harnes or anything. The battery is obviously not in the car, but I don't want to have to tear every-
thing out of it. Please tell me what to do!
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 09-27-2002 12:09
Don't know any thing about a NOSE on a BMW but.
You really don't need to remove the altenator.

If you disconnect all the electrical leads on the Alt and don't ground to pully or altenators frame you should be safe.

You can simply disconnect any thing else you are worried over or unground it. (unbolt it and put insulating material between it and the car)

Bear in mind when you are placing your ground that electricty follows the path of least resistance and copper is a better conducter than steel.
Parent - - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 09-27-2002 18:38
i agree w/ RonG...the path of least resistance...we've welded on trucks and boats in my shop w/o disconnecting anything and they've driven out of the shop just fine. we only ground to the frame of the vehicle. we've welded on the aluminum engine block of a boat motor to seal a my knowledge everything on that boat still works just fine. i think it all depends on what you're welding on and where you ground it.
Parent - By fosters3 Date 09-27-2002 20:04
Now that I think about it, we have welded on our excavator and Bobcat skidsteer in the
past and nothing has come of it. We've even contracted welders who never disconnected
the battery. The battery is no where near the car, but I think I'll disconnect as many wires that
that are easy just to be safe. Thank you all!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding issues,Please Advise me!

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