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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / DC inverter or AC Welding Machine?
- - By Mikeldigra Date 12-06-2010 09:20

Which will cost more in terms of electricity bill? DC inverter or AC Welding Machines? Thank you!
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-06-2010 12:11

Inverters can produce AC or DC

But I think the best answer to your question is that; "inverters draw less current than any other power supply type"

Inverters cost more than transformer type power supplies, but if you are running a production business that money can be made up in efficiency, especially if you run more than one shift.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-08-2010 04:17
"but if you are running a production business that money can be made up in efficiency, especially if you run more than one shift. "

I assume Law is referring to the training necessary and more intensive and critical setup in regards to inverters.   He is spot on, the inverters use way less power but I personally feel it is negligible when you consider the added complexity+time of dialing them in.  If you have a great qc +weld engineering dept and want to take the time to get very specific on weld parameters with everything you are going to produce and document it.  The inverter powersupplys really have no equal....but if it is a job shop situation where it is different everyday....consider sticking with the sine wave machines.

Sorry for elaborating/commenting but I am just really agreeing with you Lawrence....LOL.  How is that forge project going btw??  I have not seen any more pics yet!?!?

Best regards

PS btw Have I mentioned lately how well a plain old synchrowave will run a 7018 dc+ today?!?!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / DC inverter or AC Welding Machine?

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