No disrespect here Smooth operator but, Joe is working on site @ Carnegie Hall just above midtown Manhattan (57th Street? Sheesh it's been so friggin long! :( ) in NYC. ;) The IW local would be local 40 also, and any ornamental work would have local 580 on it.
One thing is for sure... They DO NOT know how to pronounce "Carnegie" properly in NYC, because once I moved to the "Burgh" back in the beginning of 1995, the local folks of Western PA kept correcting me in the way I would pronounce "Carnegie Hall" and poke fun at me because of my own distinct New York City accent which was already diluted to the point that it only became prevalent when I tried to articulate my message or express myself when I felt strongly about something... There's also a slight bit of New Jersey in me that reveals it's ugly head every once in awhile also... Bada - bing!!! :) :) ;)
Hey Joe! Are there any local 361 members on site there? Finally, please keep showing us the pictures if you can because that is real American history being shown to us there and I for one really do appreciate it!!! :) :) :) Thanks Joe!
Hey Smooth! Wouldn't you agree that Troy Aumua Polamalu is a strong candidate for the NFL's Defensive Player of the Year award??? If not the strongest??? I know I do!!! :) :) :)
HERE WE GO STEELERS - HERE WE GO!!! ;) P.S. We cannot leave out the NFL Officials favorite target to fine & penalize James Harrison, or outside linebacker LaMarr Woodley, #56 either as being amongst the top candidates also! I have already contributed to Harrison's fund, and I know of many more Pittsburgh Steelers fans who are doing the same, so spread the word bro! ;)