Isn't it nice when you find one like that. I recently had an excellent experience as well with a shop that handed me a packet as I walked in with all required paperwork, including prints, shop drwgs, MTR's, WPS's, welders certs, wire certs, etc.
AND, you wouldn't believe how small of a job was being inspected. But the shop had it's act together.
I like your idea of a form letter. But even that doesn't always work. So many of them don't have a clue what all that is or if it applies to them. Then you find no copies of any code books in their possession. How do they expect to do the work per code when they don't even have a copy of it. And the few who do have it don't even know where to begin to find anything in it.
I am also trying to do some meetings, through our AWS section, with the City Bldg Officials, myself, and other inspectors that would focus on 'Being Prepared For The Special Inspector'. Too often they are intimidated by anything that smacks of govt, authority, rework, etc and they don't understand how simple the process will be if they are prepared.
Have a Great Day, Brent