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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 300D stop welding
- - By burleigh26 (**) Date 01-06-2011 21:20
while i was welding it went to idle. from idle, when you strike arc i have to jam the rod to get the machine to idle-up.  i couldn't figure it out, any suggestions. thanks
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 01-07-2011 15:49
behind the front panel you have a sensor (its round with wires wrapped around it) Look at its condition the wires may be rubbed thru or you may simply have to complete another wrap. You may also check the plug at the throttle solenoid. You will have 3 wires (white, red and black) it may have a dirty connection.
- By yojimbo (***) Date 01-07-2011 18:16

Love the 300D.  Alway been my favorite well rounded workhorse.  Several possible malfunctions could be creating a no arc on strike condition.  I would have the RPMs checked- if they are too low it can do that.  Setting them to correct speed is a lot cheaper than a new PC board which could also be the probem but at around 300 bucks better to confirm rpms first and not buy a panel you dont need.  The main generator brushes could also be the trouble.  I wore mine on a 97 down to a not contacting set of nubs and snuffed out the arc in the middle of a branch test doing the root on the butt weld of the 12" during the first half of the test.  Inspector was cool- let me get the machine fixed- new generator brushes- and come back to finish and past the test.  If you have noticed the need to increase the amperages from your normal settings over the pst few months could be brushes,  I'd check the rpms and brushes before getting sold a new PC board.  Best of luck.
- By burleigh26 (**) Date 01-07-2011 22:13
thanks for the info. I'll check on what was said here. the brushes are good and i cleaned everything, the machine is a 2009 with 700 hrs so its not old.  i keep thinking the PC board but it shouldn't have gone out already but never know.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 300D stop welding

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