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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pipe pro
- By 1234567 Date 01-09-2011 04:03
Is anyone using a pipe pro on pipeline?  I recently bought one with 500hrs in great shape, after 120 hrs it quit idling up.  I love the fuel economy  compared to my sa200.  I wondering how many hours people are getting on the pipe pro, without problems? Thanks.
- - By weaver (***) Date 01-10-2011 03:27
i have one. it's 3 years old and i LOVE it. used to run a 200d. i will never go back
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-15-2011 18:11
I guess if you dont have a Vantage, you might as well have a Miller ! Maybe if you bury it under a Big Tree and water it for about a year. It wil grow into a Vantage ? Just a thought ! LOL
Parent - - By rig welder6 (**) Date 01-19-2011 02:32
You Dis-ad-vantage people crack me up.
Parent - By roundydownie (**) Date 01-19-2011 02:53
Totally agree about the disadvantage!! i have welded across the pipe from a few of em and i think i could weld two to they're one..they are constantly always adjusting knobs   I just dont see the point.. My chopped 200 welds ten times better then those things besides they are ugly as hell. why pay so much for that? Every man to his own though i guess! I guess it would be nice to run a entertainment system in the fab hooche
- - By scruboak (**) Date 01-15-2011 00:09
Any pics?
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 01-19-2011 02:44
I am running a pipe pro and I love has 2600hrs on it the only complaint is the fuel economy is not as good as my 300D but it will out weld any machine that i've been around...that also includes the disadvantage! Right now I am working in ND in extreme cold and still no trouble plus my fuel mileage on my truck is better cause its lighter.
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 01-19-2011 03:19
where are u working, I am out of williston
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 01-19-2011 03:37
I am staying in killdeer but working in between new town and killdeer
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 01-19-2011 14:41
I've worked in Killdeer before for Petro Hunt. One of the nicer towns in my opinion in ND. Used to stop over at the 2&7/8ths waterin hole there after work.
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 01-20-2011 03:19
You didn't happen to be working for 3way for petro hunt were ya? Oh yes the 2 7/8's and can't beat the prime rib at the Buckskin...haha
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 01-20-2011 17:24
I had the chance to work for Three Way. But I contracted directly to Petro Hunt or through Pearl Engineering. I forgott all about the Buckskin. They do got some jamup food there.
Parent - By pipehead (***) Date 01-21-2011 00:35
Oh yeah thats who I'm working for right now they have had me busy for almost a year.......but i've had enough of ND i'm headed home saturday! they can keep this place!lol
- - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 01-20-2011 04:11
It's all about what your doing if I'm running down the line nothing beats my sa 200 and a pipe pro or vantage won't be running thirty years form now like my 80 sa 200.  I will say i like the dig feature when i'm running beads but from the hot pass to the cap i'll keep the sa.  And I have welded with all three of these machines..  during a plant shut down the vantage is a lot more versitile yes i can tig stainless off my sa but I can't run an air compressor and a plasma torch like i can with a vantage.  Not to mention if your going to arc gouge I hear vantage is the way to go. The miller cost more than a new sa or vantage has a 100 more amps around 14 grand for the pipe pro 300?  and i just don't see what you get for you money it won't out weld my old sa (don't need 300 amps) and isn't any more versatile than the vantage ,won't be running in 30 years, not to mention it has that ugly blue sticker on it lol

I work along side a guy that runs a vantage  one that has the pipe pro and the rest us us are running sa 200 or classic 3ds   and out of all of them the pipepro is my least favorite, not that it doesn't get the job done just seems to take less effort to achieve the same quality of weld with the other machines

I will give the vantage props on running the 7p+ and the 8p+ it doesn't pinhole like it does on the sa but that's why i run the hype?

just my 2 cents
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 01-21-2011 00:33
I have owned every thing from a 66 red face to this pipe pro and I feel my 300D is a better bead machine and there is not a 200 out there that will stack a cap like that 304....I am usually a lincoln man but this 304 sure has made me a believer
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 01-21-2011 00:36
As far as im concerned that vantage was a lincolns sorry answer to the pipepro
Parent - By 1234567 Date 01-21-2011 01:13
I have had a 68, 57 and a classic 1, but my pipe pro fills and caps better.   The 200's do seem to bead better and a little faster but i like my miller.
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 01-21-2011 01:54
very well said
Parent - By Paladin (***) Date 01-21-2011 03:16 Edited 01-21-2011 03:31
I don't weld pipe ever day any more but occasionally the local gas company calls me for a little help. Most of my pipe welding has been with a 1971 SA 200. I still have it. I now have a Pipe Pro 304 and I think it welds pipe better in every way. I think the bead is easier and my caps have never been better. It just seems I can control the puddle better. Running the bead the arc just never stops. You can push it and it just keeps on digging. One negative of the strong arc is that breaking it can be a little tricky. The arc can wander out of the puddle before you can break it if you are not careful.

I only have about 400 hours on mine but so far so good.

Has anyone welded with both  the Pipe Pro 304 with the new 350 Pipe Pro? How do they compare?

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pipe pro

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