Kilo and Alpha magnetic storms are independent of solar flares as are excessive 2MeV and higher electron streams. There are flares, coronal holes, CME's (coronal mass ejection) etc.
I don't buy into the 2012 hype btw.
As far as the recent incidents go, its not the first time they have happened, but the last time was poorly documented. What stands this one out is the media jumping on it with both feet.
Given that its not the first time, and likely will not be the last, gives more credibility to the idea that it is some form of natural phenomena.
I've heard everything from firecrackers, to massive hail storms (that seemed to leave no other damage?), to gunfire, and on into the world of strange/kooky alien/government conspiracy crap.
Dozens of locations around the world, and only those three things in common, even if I am wrong about the cause, the clear and indisputable facts are that all the incidences share those base three commonalities. It would seem like there needs to be a focus around that, rather than all the WAG's going on.