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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Dead Birds/falling out of the sky
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-09-2011 17:20 Edited 01-09-2011 17:23
A lot of you guys know I live in Beebe AR.  New years day, everybody woke up to thousands of red wing black birds laying dead everywhere.  They pulled radar records up and you could see a huge swarm over the town when this happened.  It is my understanding that these birds do not fly at night because they have terrible vision, they always roost at night.  I thought some farmer got careless with his pesticide but game and fish claims they died from blunt force tramua (internal bleeding).  We also had a pretty big fish kill at the same time.  The weird thing is this has happened in Louisiana recently, Italy, Sweden and a few other places in the last few weeks.  The explanation of fireworks scaring the birds into crazed flight just does not work for me....these blackbirds are here every year and this has never happened before.

So is it the a Gov testing a new satellite death ray?  Chemical leak?  Strange shifts in the earths magnetic field/radiation? Alien spacecraft? Or is it the Good Lord giving a fair warning and heads up?     I was joking with guys about my kids with fertilizer and diesel loaded up in the tater cannon New Years eve night but...the more I read the more seriously I take it, and the more questions I have.

Strange days folks
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 01-09-2011 18:37
Blunt force trauma (internal bleeding)...Ok, I can buy that explaination...falling out of the sky and hitting the ground for a little deceleration trauma. BUT! why did they decide to take a dive? Blunt force traumatized in the air? Death ray (the conspiracy theorist in me kinda likes that one!), excessive Cell phone usage F/U their evening nap and took wing confused, or partying it up on New Years Eve and Flying While Intoxicated (FWI?)....freak hail storm, down burst???
Chemical leak and pesticide would maybe explain the fish and the birds dieing at the same time.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-10-2011 01:26
I had Swarms of Black Birds in my back Yard today as the snow fell. Many of them died suddenly. My Wife determined it was from sudden contact with a 12 gauge !
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 01-10-2011 00:07
That darned G. Bush at work again!!!

Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 01-10-2011 00:34
Yup that's it, you miss him yet?
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 01-10-2011 00:46
I had a thought that maybe they were trying something out to kill the birds in case they start getting the bird flu. I hadn't heard the blunt force trauma part before. I really hate it when my paranoia starts to show, but these days I don't know how much you can really trust the wackos that have their thumbs on the dooms day button.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-10-2011 20:13
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 01-10-2011 21:31
There are places on this planet (mostly near Volcanos) where large pockets of toxic heaver than air gases collect. Would it be possible one or two or even a few got air born (being warmer than surounding air) and then pushed around by the winds? Or maybe they flew through an extreamly fridged pocket of air that rendered them flightless?

It's not the first time and not likely to be the last.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-11-2011 20:47
My opinion for what its worth.

All the creatures that have died have three things in common.

1. They move in xyz axis.
2. They use magnetotelluric (the magnetic lines of force) running through the earth to navigate.
3. They all are near the same operational frequency in regards to hz that their respective nervous system runs on.

When all this happened there were some Kilo and Alpha events listed from NASA. (magnetic strorms) coupled with NOAA geophysical magnetotelluric monitoring which usually show magnetic and magnetelluric (magnetic and electrical) anomalies along fault lines, volcano's etc, basically any interuption in the continuity of the earths mantle. There are also known magnetic anomalies in certain locations around the world. These locations are usually listed on aeronautical maps for planes etc.

If you overlay the locations of these events, with a map of areas prone to the aforementioned anomalies, each and every one match up.

My opinion is their magnetic guidance system got fried by a superposition of the magnetic/electrical waves on that frequency. The fish couldn't move to breath and the birds couldn't fly right which got them killed. Every other creature around them either moved on two axis's only, or are known to be on a different internal frequency.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 01-11-2011 21:28
Gerald, I would agree with everything you wrote save the part about the fish not moving or breathing. The electromagnetic fields would have induced the breathing capabilities considerably.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-11-2011 23:17
When a fish opens and closes its mouth, it is actually pumping water back through the gills to breath. Most fish have an effective pumping system that involves the mouth and the outer cover of the gills, called the operculum. When the fish’s mouth opens, the operculum closes, drawing water into the fish’s mouth. When the fish closes its mouth, the operculum opens, allowing fresh water to cross the gills. Other fish have a less effective pumping system, requiring them to swim constantly to keep fresh, oxygenated water flowing over the gills.

That btw is something the fish had in common around the world. all of them are of the operculum type breathers. The implication is their nervous system was shut down to the point they could'nt breath. From a few calls I made, they showed sign of suffocation.

Again, its just my opinion, but I can't find any other logical explaination, nor anyone else with one that fits all the facts.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-27-2011 20:35
- - By grizzzly (**) Date 01-11-2011 04:06
i thought i hear that they were killed by a hail storm before they hit the ground
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 01-12-2011 00:40
I remember hearing about some super powerful solar flares that were supposed to be effecting communications etc. That would fit what you were saying CW1555.
Parent - By grizzzly (**) Date 01-12-2011 06:48
i have heard that the super powerful solar flairs are whats going to take us all out on 2012.
but i haven't heard much about the effect on the birds but i have been working.

BTW here is NASA's site
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-12-2011 09:07
Kilo and Alpha magnetic storms are independent of solar flares as are excessive 2MeV and higher electron streams. There are flares, coronal holes, CME's (coronal mass ejection) etc.
I don't buy into the 2012 hype btw.

As far as the recent incidents go, its not the first time they have happened, but the last time was poorly documented. What stands this one out is the media jumping on it with both feet.
Given that its not the first time, and likely will not be the last, gives more credibility to the idea that it is some form of natural phenomena.

I've heard everything from firecrackers, to massive hail storms (that seemed to leave no other damage?), to gunfire, and on into the world of strange/kooky alien/government conspiracy crap.

Dozens of locations around the world, and only those three things in common, even if I am wrong about the cause, the clear and indisputable facts are that all the incidences share those base three commonalities. It would seem like there needs to be a focus around that, rather than all the WAG's going on.

Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 01-12-2011 21:55
Your idea is not far fetched just a might technical and possibly for some difficult to grasp. I understand some of what you say but am only failure enough with some of the terminology and had never considered such a grand scale.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-16-2011 15:48
I wonder if they are finding dead birds around the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly.  Although for the most part I think it is just severely weakened field, they are diverting air traffic around it.
- By J Kidd (*) Date 03-17-2011 04:30
Wow this is really ironic.
Has anyone seen the show Flash Forward that was on Fox about 1-1/2 to 2 years ago? Call it coincidence if you will, but the same type of thing happened in the show, only it had to do with a government conspiracy!! Needless to say, they pulled the series after one season. So many unanswered questions why except directors, pay, etc... there is no sure reasoning. Either way I thought I would share that bit of "nonsense" it just seemed to go good here. Check it out for yourself. Maybe there was some truth behind the show???? Government can't allow anymore!!! Things that make you go hmmmmmmm :confused:
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Dead Birds/falling out of the sky

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