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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Nuclear certification?
- - By Robert48 (**) Date 01-19-2011 02:09
I was just wondering if there is a blanket nuke certification that has to be obtained before you can perform any craft on a nuke job. I am a certified welder, and nccco crane operator also. I see jobs posted for operators at nuke jobs all over the place but they all say " nuclear certification required". Is there any company out there that can give me all the background checks, tests, training, and such on my own dime so I could walk up with a card in my hand. I mean I know a craft such as welding would require specialized testing, but safe operating practices are pretty much standard.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-19-2011 04:32
I have never worked it but I have seen a lot of ads requiring recent experience and a current card/clearance.  I believe they are referring to the security clearance card that is required ....I.E.  they do not want to have to spend the bux on the background checks etc. necessary for you to walk through the gate.  Far as certs I have no idea but many folks on here do, I am sure they will fill you in.
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 01-19-2011 11:56
You will qualify for whatever you do in the plant. There are so many different processes used and so many different materials being welded with so many different procedures there is no way anyone could have a "blanket" qualification.
Parent - By Robert48 (**) Date 01-19-2011 23:26
I realize you would have to test for what specific kind of welding you would be doing. But I am more interested in crane operating since I have my ncco, and the work is alot cleaner with the same pay. I guess the "gate test" are what i am looking for. Is there any staffing companies that do nuke work that would maybe run the test for me if I pay all cost.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 01-19-2011 13:35 Edited 01-19-2011 13:39
There is no special Code required certification for welders in the nuclear field. It is all per ASME Section IX. And yes, you will be tested on the job site.
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-19-2011 14:21
They usually have 2 or 3 gate tests all asme sect IX  also be prepared to pee in a bottle several times a week
as wellas the intial physical. And every nuke i worked in they watched you piss so don't bother trying to swap
the samples. if your gonna play in the nukes stay clean including alcohol
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 01-19-2011 16:20 Edited 01-19-2011 16:28
Security Clearance Basics. What I had to do in 1981 for an outage.

To get in the gate on a nuke you need an "L" (equal to a Dept. of Defense Secret Security Clearance) or "Q" (= DOD TOP Secret). I think I read some where that you have to be a licensed nuke contractor or have some sort of endorsement just to generate the application process. The eQip for DOD security clearance cannot be self initiated. These background checks are very expensive from what I've been told. and so most contractors these days are wanting all "new" employees to have the L or Q clearance in hand. Total Catch 22... gots to have the badge to get hired but cant get hired with out a current (12 months max since last carded into a nuke) badge???
If you are fortunate enough to get a contractor to hire you and go through the security background clearance, do yourself a favor and come prepared. You will need 7 years (10 years for Top Secret) of EVERY employer, place you've lived, with dates and addresses, home office phone #'s, job site/foreman's #, all criminal convictions (depends on the misdemeanor or felony whether you'll be denied). Wife and ex-wives family info, all relatives, professional and personal references, color of sox, brand of margarine last used on your toast...Have I forgotten anything????
Make sure you call all your reference friends and warn them, and don't lie about anything that can be "verified" by the research pukes. You are more likely to be rejected for lying/omitting (trying to bury that embarrassing minor in possession charge when you were 20 y/o) than not. I went through it in 1981 before the internet. I spent a couple of days calling all over the country. Pretty tough for us road whores who can't remember where all we worked last year, let alone 7 or 10 years back. Like I said, this was 30 years ago and I'm sure it has only become stricter in this "terrorist paranoia" we live in now

"but safe operating practices are pretty much standard" Dude, you haven't lived until you get to work with Health Physics Dept (the Nazis on steroids, masochists of all safety depts.). Especially in a Hot zone (radioactive contaminated area such as inside the containment wall).
How hard is the TWIC card?
Parent - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-19-2011 19:52
You can get a twic card in about four weeks unless of course you were born in a foreign
country like myself being born in scotland moving here as a child US citizen took me four months
to get. I have a friend who was born in Hawaii prior to Hawaii becomming a state and he had all kinds of
problems getting his Twic. rumor has it our Fearless leader Pres Obama can't get a twic card because he
won't show his birth certificate. Oh by the way they will call everyone of your references and ask them for the number of a mutual friend
they will also run a credit check. If your a union member you can pull your work history from the hall. when the nukes are union they don't
require current badging they will run the background check at the contractors expense. Be prepared to take the MMPI psych evaluation
about 600 questions ranging from how many times a day do you fantazize about sex to have you ever fantazied about your sister.
I recall a couple of guys with arrest records having to have an escort with them inside the plant.
Parent - By Robert48 (**) Date 01-19-2011 23:33
PM sent
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Nuclear certification?

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