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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Welders Garage Sale !!!!
- - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-28-2011 13:11 Edited 01-28-2011 14:01
I HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF !!!!! I have been Re-Rigging out my Dodge Truck. I never realized what all I have. I have 3 or 4 of EVERY THING. I have over 100 Brand new Torch Tips sizes 1-2 & 3  for Victor. Some  are made by Victor, some made by Goss. I have a Like new 14" Chop Saw. Milwaukee Mag Drill. Victor Gauges. SEVERAL Work Harnesses and an extra Boatswains Chair.  Some of them are the Fancy ones. Some of them are just a Plain Work Harness. Koike Track Torch with 2 tracks. Esab 300 AVS Voltage Sensing Suitcase Feeder. I have a Cables Remote with the 110 outlets. 150Lbs. Phoenix Rod Oven.  Sawzall, Bosch Hammer Drill etc.... If there is anything you need. I might have it. I AM NOT selling out. Just thinning out. I am located in East Texas. Near Canton. You are welcome to come by or call me at 902-245-6613. Email

Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-28-2011 15:23
And I still have a Torch Hose Reel.
Parent - - By ryan gaspard (**) Date 01-29-2011 06:08
do u still have the koike track torch? how much $ thanks
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-29-2011 06:12
Yes. It is like new with 2 tracks and 3 Tips. 1 tip in the torch and 2 new in the pack. $1100.00. Ryan, Aren't you near Shreveport ?
Parent - By ryan gaspard (**) Date 01-30-2011 07:37
No sir, I live in Marksville but I am working in Vancouver,Wa. Building rigs to go to the north slope.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-29-2011 15:16
Mag Drill and Remote are sold. Still have LOTS of stuff left.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-30-2011 17:47
If I was not so busy I'd drive down there just to see what you had! I need a good trip, have not travelled in months.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-30-2011 18:02
Come on Down !! I got plenty of Stuff, A stocked Catfish Pond, a stocked Bass Pond and plenty of Hogs to shoot at !
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-31-2011 12:46
I wonder if I bought one of those 3lb hammers you have if the gubment would let me write off mileage to go down and pick it up!! LoL!!!
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 01-31-2011 21:40
Despite all the cool stuff you have up for sale, I'd likely be distracted by the bass pond. Dont know how I could write off those travel expenses.LOL
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-31-2011 23:45
All you have to do is we talk about Welding. It's a buisness trip !!!
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 02-01-2011 04:03
Hey cactus I know you've said before but where you located specifically
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-01-2011 14:39
Grand Saline Texas. About 50 miles East of Dallas
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Welders Garage Sale !!!!

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