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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pricing for fillet and full pen. welds
- - By mtrojanowski Date 10-09-2002 20:43
What could be the approximate price (per in) for doing 2 - 3/8" fillet welds and a complete penetration double bevel-groove T-joint weld on 3/4" gusset plates? Welding is done with standard electrodes or wire on a construction site. All welds are approximately 12" to 24" long.

How many passes would be required for each type of weld using a wire welding?
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 10-09-2002 21:02
Pretty vague question!

Equally vague answer. How much will you pay?

More to the point. There is more to welding than just stepping up to the plate and swinging the bat.

Are you working on Tractor out in the field or bridge over a river?

Do you have a procedure that requires things like joint preperation, preheat, interpass, NDE or PWHT.

Most rig welders have a minimum charge plus milage.
Parent - By mtrojanowski Date 10-09-2002 22:06
I am looking for budget pricing for the two types of welds - two fillets v. full penetration. The costs of plate preparation, clean -up, staging etc are all accounted for. The welding is done on existing equipment support in an enclosed building and no preheating is required. Total length of welding is about 100 feet with 12"-24" passes.
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 10-09-2002 21:59
I have a program that you can use to compare the volumes of weld metal in different joint designs and compare the costs of two different weld processes. You supply the data, the program does t he math. Its available at and click on the weldassist link at the bottom. It will expire in a month or so but it may be of help and its reasonably priced at $0.00

As with all computer programs the GI GO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) concept. Many handbooks have deposition rates for filler metals and welding parameters. DOING the joints could include preparation, fitup and welding. Welding the joints would only include welding.

If you had specifics such as joint dimensions such as groove angle, root opening, root face, welding process, filler metal diameter and type, material, and reinforcing fillet size maybe we could get in the ballpark.

Price per inch is an unusual method to quote welds for.

Have a nice day. And hope this helps

Gerald Austin
Parent - By mtrojanowski Date 10-09-2002 22:10
As I mentioned in my reply to RonG I am looking for budget pricing for the two types of welds - two fillets v. full penetration. The costs of plate preparation, clean -up, staging etc are all accounted for. The welding is done on existing equipment support in an enclosed building and no preheating is required. Total length of welding is about 100 feet. Thanks for the link. I will check it out.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pricing for fillet and full pen. welds

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