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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Calibrations for AISC
- - By Skaggydog (**) Date 02-03-2011 14:54
We are working to become certified with AISC.  Please tell me if my list of measuring items for calibration makes sense.  I am hoping that calibrating one portable amp/volt meter will serfice in place of calibrating meters on about 70 welding machines?  What am I missing from my list?  Any ideas about records will very much help me.
1.  Volt/amp meter
2.  Paint gage (DFT)
3.  Infrared thermometer
4.  Ficep drill
5.  Torque wrench
6.  Fillet weld gages
7.  Tape measure
8.  Framing square
9.  Spirit level
10.  Plumb bob

Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-03-2011 17:05

As I remember, some items such as your framing squares, levels, and especially plumb bobs, don't need calibrating.  BUT, there needs to be a clause in your QC section on calibration about them being within industry standards and checked against others every so often and to be replaced if damaged in any way.

Tapes can have the first 4' calibrated against a 4' 'certified' straight edge to verify the end is not damaged and the rest is within original manufacturer's/industry standards.  The certified straight edge is kept in a safe and unused location where its only purpose is to check tape measures.  Tapes can also be specified to be replaced every so often rather they check out against the calibration piece or not.

As per the welders, a good load bank may be a better route than the Volt/amp meter though it is always a good idea to have a calibrated one of them around as well.

Hopefully John and some of the others who have gone through this recently will jump in here soon.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 02-03-2011 17:44
What Brent said should do you good, you will also need a skidmore on hand to verify you know how to use it, we don't do bolting in our shop, and we put a clause in our QC manual  that if we use it ,it will be Calibrated, otherwise we are not wasting money calibrating things we don't use!
Good Luck
Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 02-04-2011 10:36
As has been mentioned the first thing is to determine how your company is going to accomplish this in the manual then do it. Also depending on the type of standard you are qualifying to has some bearing
1.  Volt/amp meter we send ours off to be calibrated yearly. (Just buying a new one doesn't show proof of calibration)
2.  Paint gage (DFT) again a procedure for use and a set of certified shims for calibration,
3.  Infrared thermometer (Hide it) Again the main thing is your procedure and what it requires how accurate does it need to be. (I Have always used temp stick)
4.  Ficep drill your own your own there as you haven't given enough description. Our Plasma Beam Line is checked with calibrated measuring devices continually 
5.  Torque wrench again find a certified instrument repair shop and let them certify it. Unless you by a new one with recent papers you have to have even a new one certified
6.  Fillet weld gages (I can't harp enough it is about written procedures and what your company does) check their accuracy with a calibrated measuring devise, tape...
7.  Tape measure Either contact Lufkin and purchase one with papers because just because the package says it is it don't count. Use it to comparatively check shop tapes
8.  Framing square simple have your procedure reference 3, 4, 5 and perform it with a calibrated measuring tape (an angle to be 90°  if measured 3 units on one leg and 4 units on the other leg will have an hypotenuse of 5 units
Again write what you do and no more than required, one can quickly make their own life miserable.

Good Luck
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Calibrations for AISC

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