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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Approx time to complete 12" of full pen
- - By needstoknow Date 10-10-2002 18:01
I am looking for a rough estimate (I have seen some of the flack from previous posts on this subject) of the time to complete a 12" long full penetration weld using a manual flux core process. The weld would be of (2) 3/4" thick plates. The plates are 90 degrees to one another (like an upside down tee). The material is all high strength plate (API 2MT1). I guess the position is 1G. Past that, I don't know enough to provide info. Any help is greatly appreciated! Don't include preheat time, etc... Just the time to make the passes necessary to make the weld.

Thanks in advance.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 10-10-2002 19:31
It would take less approx 12 minutes actual Arc Time to weld one of these. An hour of "Welding time" to chip slag, move around etc. I'm not familar with that material so if a maximum temp prior to welding had to be maintained actual time would increase.

This is based on a joint with approx 1.056 Lbs per foot and a deposition rate of 5+ Lbs per hour. This is for filling the CJP groove welds and welding two 3/8" reinforcing fillets. No backgouging time or volume.

I hope that helps. Please forgive me if I launched any flack earlier.

Gerald Austin
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Approx time to complete 12" of full pen

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