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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / looking found
- - By dogweld (***) Date 02-12-2011 20:34 Edited 02-13-2011 05:51
I need me a new project  looking to buy a sa-200 let me know what you have , I live in east TEXAS , I like to find one around texas ,Ok ,La,
Parent - By BKinBA (**) Date 02-13-2011 16:42
I still have the 2 that I previously talked to you about.
Parent - By lucky1 (**) Date 02-17-2011 14:55
i still have that 53 shorthood in eastern nm,i bet we can do something about meeting part way or something. if  interested let me know. i can start it and take some picts for you. i don't have a video camera but i bet we can get together on the phone and you can hear it run. i have bought most of the upgrade parts for it from bills but have not put any on, your welcome to those to if you want them, engine smokes a little but i think i can show that in a still picture fairly well. i'm asking 1000 for the machine and if you want the upgrade parts i will have to hunt up the invoice. i believe they were a little over 600.
- - By dogweld (***) Date 02-13-2011 17:43
send me a pm and get better on the prices
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 02-14-2011 02:03
pm sent
- - By dogweld (***) Date 02-16-2011 18:16
I would like to add to this post - a man told me he had a 1967 red face welder that was a good machine , did not leak oil and did not smoke ,so I took the man at his word drove 400 miles one way to buy the machine ,got there and it was not a 67 red face ,it was a 71 model ,it did not leak oil ,it poored it out , so fast I don't know how he keep oil in it , the bottom line here is if you have a machine for sale tell the truth about what you are saleing ,man up , if it junk tell up front about it ,
Parent - By jrod (**) Date 02-16-2011 19:31
Give me a call at 325 370 9847. I've got a 66 the needs some work.
- By dogweld (***) Date 02-19-2011 02:17 Edited 04-04-2011 04:04
found one ,thank all ,
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / looking found

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