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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Miller Trailblazer 301G
- - By cawelder (**) Date 10-13-2002 14:27
Does anyone here have the 301G. I was looking at getting one to replace my Bobcat. I am needing remote amperage as well as highfreq. I asked the guys at the local Holox about this machine, but they had not sold one yet. The question I have is, does it have built in Highfreq or would I have to purchace an external unit for this. I have read the brochure but it just says ac alum tig. If it has HF built in I will get the machine. It sounds to me like it will do any process. And for $3,000.00 You cant beat it.
Parent - - By n5uzt (**) Date 10-13-2002 15:47
the trail blazer does not have built in h f you can add a h f box to it
also you can go to and see this mach
i sell these where i work and if i could i would buy this mach. over the bobcat. you can weld and power at the same time with this mach.
Parent - - By cawelder (**) Date 10-14-2002 20:56
Miller is misleading on this, They state that the Machine has excellent AC tig. But if it doesn't have HF, then I would have to purchase the HF arc starter and stabilizer to go with the machine. But they dont state that an arc starter must be puchased in order to tig Aluminum. I have never heard of anyone tigging aluminum without HighFreq. Will the 301 G tig aluminum right out of the crate, or will I have to purchase optional equipment to do this? Also, what is your price on the machine, including shipping to Madison, FL 32340?
Parent - By n5uzt (**) Date 10-15-2002 01:54
the hf arc starter is listed as an accessory in the book i have and on the literature. yes you will have to purchase the hf-251d-1 stock #042388.
i don't price on this bbs don't think it would be right, but your local welding supply will give you a good discount for cash.
most of them will do 10 to 15 off list.
have you been to miller's web site?
you can go to my co. web site
we are a small family owned co. now passed down to the daughter.
so we are a woman owned co. i have been with them 27 years.

Parent - By mcwelding (**) Date 10-15-2002 14:23
hey cawelder,
i have a 301g. traded in a bobcat 225 nt. no hi freq. but i bought the hf-251 for it for 700. bought both new. i should have bought the 301g first but didnt know the limitations of the bobcat i would have. what really sold me to trade was i was looking for the 30a spool gun setup. the mating contactor is 500.00 more to run off the bobcat. do the math. you already get the machine for 500 less if you want to spool gun mig. the remote lets you use a pedal or thumbswitch for tig. I LOVE IT. i paid 3400 for my 301g but they gave me 2400 for bobcat with trailer. as for hi freq, just buy the box. just dew it
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Miller Trailblazer 301G

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