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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Texas Flashlight. Everyone needs one
- - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-12-2011 23:12

Worth Watching !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parent - By crahner (**) Date 02-13-2011 04:16
put me on the waiting list
Parent - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 02-13-2011 04:16
My flashlights a 40 cal on a smaller frame... but that's a pretty cool flashlight to
Parent - - By jrod (**) Date 02-13-2011 04:19
That's pretty snazzy.
Parent - - By JMCInc (**) Date 02-13-2011 06:34
I have a feeling that the possession of that gun will involve a license or two and a conversation with the ATF.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-15-2011 04:01
I love it!!!  But I will just keep my SR40 and the little tac flashlight/laser for taking out the trash (pun intended) in a bad neighborhood.  No need for the auto Glock (fun as it might be) if you can shoot straight.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-18-2011 23:27
That's pretty slick but 9 mil. I'll stick with my XD45, they come at me and they're gonna get stopped with a single round.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-19-2011 03:16 is not the same as a nine, you have much more choice of bullet grain vs load...little more knock down power...not as fast but bigger holes.  Nothing wrong with a good ole .45 , I prefer a Colt or Springfield 1911.  If I really want to make an impression I will keep the .357 mag handy.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-19-2011 04:33
My cousin had a Springfield 1911 45, didn't like it much and traded it in for a .380.
He sold His .357 Trooper Mk3 to His brother over 25 years ago, probably wishes He still had it.

Anybody using a 10MM ? The balistics look good on paper, but I don't know anybody that has one.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-19-2011 18:31
I was in gun love with that H&K Javelina, I do not know if they make it anymore but that was one sweet was just too pricey  for me to own one.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-19-2011 08:49
I've thought about a .40 in a compact version, 5" barrel on the .45 can be a little heavy on the hip with 13 rounds!
Parent - - By Hughes Welding (*) Date 02-20-2011 07:10
I have a glock 23 it's a 40 cal compact I really like it . The glock 23 also holds 13+1. I would also like to have an springfield XD.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-20-2011 10:22
I've been thinking about an xd 40 sub compact myself, love my 45 but like I said, it's a bit weighty with the barrel length I chose. As far as value and accuracy go that springfield is a tack driver.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 02-19-2011 18:39
Man you shoot my tail with a BB gun and I'm gana slow down, and if you shot me with a 22 I'm gana stop dead in my tracks.  What the heck are you guys trying to stop that you would need a 45..???

  Thats one cranky dude that will need a 45 to knock him down..!! lol

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-19-2011 19:01
Watch enough gun shows and things like that and listen to them talking about shooting wigged out crack junkies pumped on adrenaline and they just keep coming at you. I think another thing I remember hearing is the velocity of the 9 may end up going thru a "threat". With the ammo tech they got now not sure if that still holds true. My hog leg only creeps along around 800-900 fps, a well place round center of mass is gonna take care of any court costs. They always told us don't shoot to wound, "eliminate the threat".

I was watching something on the military channel the other day and it seemed like it was weaponolgy or something like that. Can't recall the weapon they were using but if I remember right they were tired of the "whimpy, whimpy, whimpy" 9mm over in the sandbox, tired of shooting hostiles many times so they have a new gun out shooting .45. Same thing they've had with the 5.56mm round, guys tired of that bouncing off blades of grass so they brought back the M14 style with the 7.62mm round. I'd say if you had to shoot some meth head all pumped up on junk with a .22 and the junkie is feeling no pain cause he's loaded like a freight train he'll just keep coming at you unless you pop him one between the eyes but how many shows have we seen that talk about the person who survived a knife fight or bullet would to the head, even if you could make that perfect shot in a heated moment, adrenaline rushing, charging junkie coming at you. I'd rather throw down a bowling ball at his chest and deprive him of his forward momentum.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-20-2011 01:17 Edited 02-20-2011 01:25
I have to agree with Shawn.....I do not want to pull the gun out, if I do I want you to run, If you don't, I do not want you to live through it or waste my time and ammunition  LOL.  It is definitely a last resort but if it comes to that I want it to work no question.  The little trigger activated laser is a powerful deterrent all by it self I see that dot on you and you can instantly picture the hole that can be brings reality home quick like.  I do not need it at all to hit my target, I have one strictly to get the attention of anyone who is going to threaten my safety.  Course if you are obviously not armed the gun will stay put...I will probably just whoop your damm ass if I think I got a 50% chance of coming out on top.

9mm is does not deserve the terrible reputation it has...if it truly was so bad there would not be a million diff guns chambered to it.  If you are in your swimming trunks on the beach and threatening my life I am sure a good 9mm would eliminate you in one shot if I just got there....two or three if I had been drinking enough beer.  But if you are trying to run me down in your camry in the wally world parking lot....I am sure I could easily empty half the mag before I got a lucky one thru your skull.

I AM NOT A GUN NUT, but some of my friends are and I listen carefully.  Guns are dangerous as people let them be.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-20-2011 01:34 Edited 02-20-2011 01:38
They developed the .45 and 1911 because the then standard .38 Colt used in military issue revolvers wasn't stopping Filapinos who were hopped up on something.

A guy I worked with carried a .40 Glock soon after they came out. He had it loaded with Glaser "Safety Slugs" These disentigrate in the first persons body, no over penetration.

They were developed for police use to protect other cops & people who just happend to be behind the target, the guy I worked wit liked the idea that they could not match recovered bullets to a particular barrel. He wiped His finger prints off the cartriges too, in case He didn't have time to pick up the empties.

I have tried to arange My life so as to not need these precautions.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 02-20-2011 04:09 Edited 02-20-2011 04:15
Dave Boyer,
Unfortunately for your friend, the forensic lab can trace shells to the firing pin and extractor claw marks. Thats why my carry piece is a S&W 686 .357 mag. If you're close enough, the muzzle flash could demotivate many perps.
"I have tried to arange My life so as to not need these precautions." that is probably the best defense...but ya just never know...I have a Step?Brother that was killed in a car jacking 15 years ago at a gas station in New Orleans.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-21-2011 00:57
The guy I spoke of carried a Tarrus clone of a S&W Chief's Special before He got the Glock. Retaining the empty casings was one thing He hated to give up.

It is reasonably easy to get a CCW permit here, if You have kept Your nose clean, but I havn't bothered. I have a S&W 27-2 6" .357 with a partrige front sight.
It is too big to conceal, and the front sight doesn't lend itself to fast draw, but it is accurate at long distance. I got it in '78 for target & hunting.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-21-2011 01:40
Here is what you need to keep the casings in order
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 02-21-2011 02:21
I have never owned one of these but If I start going down the road working This thing will be by my side in the truck..!!  And when I leave my wife will have one in he night stand as well..!!

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-21-2011 02:55
I read about them when they first came out, haven't seen 1 in person yet. It sounds like a reasonable choice.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 02-21-2011 03:47
Taurus has come up with a brilliant marketing scheme to sell their 3rd rate firearms..."Raging Bull", "Judge", etc. I bought a clitaurus gun back in 1990 and will never waste my hard earned money on one ever again.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Texas Flashlight. Everyone needs one

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