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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Combination WPS SMAW/FCAW
- - By jmandagie Date 02-17-2011 03:08
I have a situation where we use a combination of SMAW and FCAW for welder qualification of piping, the root of the weld was welded using SMAW up to 5mm and the filler up to the reinforcement was welded up to 7.5mm of a total material thickness of 12.5mm and pipe diameter 6"(150mm). Based on table 4.11 AWS D1.1 it mentioned in it if the diameter more than 100mm and the nominal thickness less and equal to 10mm then the max qualification is 20mm and if the nominal thickness is more than 10mm considering it has the same diameter of 6mm then the max qualification is unlimited. My question is for the combination process above will it be qualified for unlimited or limited up to 20mm? Will the SMAW and FCAW welders be qualified for thickness over 20mm considering they only welded 5mm and 7.5mm of the total of 12.5mm since they welded less than 10mm thick each process?
Anyone can give their opinion, I really appreciate any inquiry regarding the subject.

Johannes Mandagie
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 02-17-2011 07:57
The welding personnel shall follow the approved WPS applicable to the qualification test required. All of the WPS essential variable limitations shall apply to the limitation of each welding process. So I will put my bet on “1/8 min to 2T max (table 4.2) for each process.

SMAW - 5mm (10mm max)
FCAW - 7.5mm (15mm max)

You may want to check your 6" pipe sch (sch 40 is 7.1mm ; sch 80 is 11mm) ; I'm not sure what sch is 12.5mm
Parent - - By jmandagie Date 02-19-2011 03:36
I believe we should look at table 4.11 for the welder(welding operator) but the issue was about a process combination of SMAW/FCAW in one weld which involved two welders for the same joint (the 1st welder did the root and hot pass while the 2nd welder did the filler and reinforcement of the weld). What is the thickness limitation allowed for both welders? Are they have the unlimited thickness or otherwise limited to a certain number?
Parent - By Joey (***) Date 02-19-2011 15:36 Edited 02-19-2011 15:42
Hi Kawan, your question is a bit tricky.

In Table 4.1 it says 20mm max. But do you have a WPS that covers unlimited thk for both SMAW & FCAW processes? You supposed to qualify your welders in accordance with WPS (table 4.2). If it’s unlimited (table 4.11), then your nominal test thk on pipe or tubing must be above understanding is for "each process".

What is your pipe sch? I guess your 7.5mm (FCAW) is inclusive of reinforcement should be based on pipe nominal thk only.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Combination WPS SMAW/FCAW

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