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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / 6months since cert test
- - By rig welder6 (**) Date 02-25-2011 21:38
if you have to do the weld that your test covered within 6months of the last time u made the test weld who do you get to verify the cert? Does it have to be witnessed by a cwi? hope someone can answer this.  Thanks  Cory
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 02-25-2011 21:52
It is not the weld, it is the process. SAMW, GMAW,etc. I am gonna guess by you being in ND this is oilfield work?
You working the patch ding well heads or pipeline/plants?
Were you working for a company or for a contractor?
Who qualified you.
Parent - - By rig welder6 (**) Date 02-27-2011 03:35
wellheads,some rigs requireing structural certs for load bering padeyes, and i jst want to keep up on it cause you never know when you might need it.  smaw, and i pd a cwi when i was in CO to do the procedure coupons, test the whole she-bang and it was for me-my company, mostly company cause i owner of my own buss, and am contracted to the companys thanks Cory
Parent - By weaver (***) Date 02-27-2011 06:55
bronco or ensign?. I say that because all the operators I work for won't let you on the location without a valid 6g paperwork. (marathon,hess contienental,e.o.g,whiting) The patch is really changing up here. I am not saying you are one of them,but there are a lot of guys coming up here with no clue. I met a guy that said he could weld on derricks, I said really , he said yup i just passed my 1g test and i am good to go, I am a CERTIFIED welder now.. it's crazy up here. regards  shannon
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 02-27-2011 17:04
If you are your own company, this is Section IX and the company is willing to accept the original qualification papers, you will need a continuity log. This log provides documentation you have been working in the process within the last 6 month. Also you would have to have qualified to ASME Section IX AND AWS D1.1 to do well heads,which is Section IX and the drilling rig structure which is AWS.
However, if I was asked to evaluate your paperwork the first thing I would ask for is the WPS and PQR you qualified to. This should be available as part of your documentation package. If you cannot provide a WPS and PQR your WPQ are not worth anything. I have seen welders who have paid someone to watch them do a weld, cut the coupons and send them off to be "bent". They send this off and two weeks later you have a WPQ with you name on it. If they provide the WPS/PQR is is for a fabricator they copied it from. You take these "certification" papers and sometimes they are accepted, sometimes they are not.
If you are going to be "My Company" you need the WPS and PQR's in your company name. The WPQ has to be supported by the WPS and PQR and in "My Company" name. The PQR has to be signed.
If all this paperwork seems to be a bother and some of the companies you have been working for do not care if all this is in order, then a continuity log is not necessary because no one is following the proper procedures anyway. But when, and not if, things start to change, this BullChit paperwork will start being rejected. Procedures and qualifications will have to be followed by the companies.
When asked to audit welding paperwork the first thing I ask for are the WPS/PQR. If the company cannot provide this basic paperwork, the audit is over. I dont care how good the welders are, the quality of the welders is irrelevant to me if the paperwork is not right.
Parent - - By rig welder6 (**) Date 03-01-2011 22:48 Edited 03-01-2011 22:51
Kahunna---my WPQ states the following---AWS 5.1 6g---ASME B31.3 SECT IX  it is signed, stamped, when you say a continuity log what does this require? is it like copies of the invoices that are signed by the comp that i did the work for stating what i did or somthing else, help with this would be appreciated cause i want to do this right so i can keep up on my certs. thanks Cory PS what is the WPS and PQR? thanks again

Weaver. HP requires papers for the derrik and welding things like padeyes that are holding weight or anything on the sub, and so far XTO or Dunbery havent asked for papers for wellheads but Exxon wanted them.  Who u wrk for out of WILLISTON, and where u located.  Where u from in MI?
Parent - - By rig welder6 (**) Date 03-01-2011 23:43
Kahunna--I spoke with the cwi that did my test and he said that wps and pqr were boiler and press vessel codes. So why would i need them if i not welding boilers or press vessels? thanks again
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-02-2011 04:14
I hope that is not what your CWI said.  If he did... NO ... I won't say it.  What I will say is that your statement is partially correct.  They do indeed apply to boiler and pressure vessel codes.  They also apply to structural and all other codes. 

You need them because the code says you need them and no one will know what you are certified to unless you have the written Welding Procedure Specification that outlined the requirements of the weld to be tested. 

With all these questions you better be willing to go somewhere and start at the bottom.  There is a lot to learn before I would put a welder in your hands.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 03-02-2011 04:39
There is the problem. The CWI told you...
You have nothing that proves what the CWI told you, just what he said.
Like I said, if you do not have the supporting WPS/PQR  in your name, the WPQ is worthless. Again, that is not to say it would not be acceptable. This is just me, if I was asked to review this and all you had was a WPQ, then you would not work. If you have the supporting WPS/PQR I would tend to think maybe you know what is going on. But that does not change the fact, if you are welding to ASME Section IX the WPS/PQR is required to be in the manufacturer's name. You carrying paperwork from another manufacturer by the code is not acceptable.
To me.
I hope you did not pay him too much, because you do not have anything.
BPV  procedures are Section IX and should have a WPS with a signed PQR.
Does Section IX qualify you to weld the derrick eyes? I would say no. But I have not read the API for derricks. It may allow you to do the filet within the variables of the WPS/PQR.
But like I said, there are a lot of companies that either do not know or do not care and will take paper without question.
And a continuity log is produced my the manufacturer's QC dept. or designated manufacturer representative.
And I do not know a single welders that have WPS/PQR in their name and WPQ for themselves done by a independent testing lab and the WPQ signed by the lab representative. Or keep their own continuity logs. They could, but do not.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-02-2011 14:55
When I test welders I advise them to buy a WPS from me as well.  Many just want the test so they can prove they can pass it when asked and want to keep their expenses down. 

OKAY.  But it really doesn't mean anything that way.  Especially if you want to do any work as a sub contractor.  And I agree, keep your own continuity log if you have your own papers. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-06-2011 01:03 Edited 03-06-2011 01:09
Kahunna  what an excellent answer.  This is something that concerns me as well...if I spend my own money on a cert I want to get as much use out of it as I can.  As a simple welder/weldor I am not "qualified" to write out a WPS ( but I have "contributed" to many), I do not carry a CWI so I cannot maintain anything I have with visuals either.  So all I can do is prove out jobs I was inspected on by a qualified authority right?  I am sorry I am ignorant on these things as I always had someone else maintaining the paperwork....I just had to pass the kodacks.

To you as well Brent
So if I am getting this correctly, if I have a qualified WPS to a "certain type" of procedure that is stamped off and qualified.  All I have to do is maintain a record of performance of that procedure to maintain it?
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-06-2011 01:16

Yes you are 'qualified' to write your own WPS.  But you may not want to.  Making sure you have all the required info in the correct format, especially those areas that the applicable code will describe as 'Essential Variables' can be confusing if you don't know how to apply them.  (Al's recent articles in the 'Inspections Trends' magazine have answered many questions and given many examples as to how to complete a WPS.)  You will also need the Code for the job being done as each one will call out different variables to be dealt with.  Then you can be guided through what the Code says your WPS needs to contain.  There are even sample forms in the annex of the codes. 

You do not NEED a CWI to verify continuity either.  You can attest to continual use without a six month break.  It is just easier for the next inspector to accept at face value when you have a continuity log signed by other CWI's or NDE people attesting to your recent usage.  And their signature means it was not only used but also inspected by an outside agency.

Lots of comments about this in another recent thread. 

Have  a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-06-2011 01:24
I was typing my first reply while you were 'editing'.

You need a WPS.

You test to that, and quite possibly weld a job to that.  The Qualification/Certification form that you get verifying your test and it's Acceptance is what I keep my continuity record on the back of.  But keep the WPS and the Cert paper together.

If you don't get inspected by an outside inspector for a while and are working for yourself, you need only sign and date within every six month period that you have 'USED' the process to that particular WPS. 

Just remember, I don't care if you just tested yesterday, if a customer comes along and says he wants everyone tested, you get tested.  Some want to confirm with their own inspection agency that everyone working on their job can qualify to their welding procedure with no questions asked. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-07-2011 01:18
alright that makes sense to me....THANKS
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-07-2011 04:09 Edited 03-07-2011 04:11

Happy Birthday Tommy!!   (make sure you look at the attachment Tommy)

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Attachment: 5.gif (0B)
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-08-2011 00:49
HAHA   Thx man.   I had a pretty good one I thought...spent it with my kids Grandad out in the shop building a few things and knocking back a few German brews.  About had a diabetic coma with Macadamia nut cookies and hot fudge cake.
- By Boon (**) Date 03-19-2011 13:42
Continuity record under ASME code is specifically for the welding process only or must it also comply to all the variables, base metals as detailed in initial WPS?
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / 6months since cert test

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