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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / oxweld w24r
- - By ranger6011 (*) Date 02-26-2011 18:56
i just bought a w24r off ebay. i dont have it yet but ive been told about the fittings. they say 41/64ths is the size i need. im assumming one end at 41/64thd and the other the standard 9/16ths-18 to adapt to the hose. havnt been to a supplier yet[saturday and 70 miles away]. what i cant seem to find them online yet. any suggestions where i can get these easily??. thanks.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-26-2011 20:34
Welcome to the forum Ranger

Most folks regard this torch highly... Specifically designed for HD railroad work.

Here is the owners manual for the torch... Downloaded from    It should have all the info you need to figure out the non-standard fittings.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 03-01-2011 01:31
they are called Railroad fittings. Back in the day the RR had male end hoses, and they were bigger
- By ranger6011 (*) Date 02-27-2011 06:41
i saw that too but thanks.i like to do big torch welding now and again and i have a purox cw202[#33blowpipe i think] a harris 16,harris 85 and a victor 100 fc. all have cutting attachments and only the harris 85 has welding tip for bigger stuff[up to 3/4 inch]. it cuts good but limited welding. i saw the 24 r on ebay bought it then fond out abut the fittings. not sure what im gonna do.thanks though
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / oxweld w24r

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