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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Nuclear/Oil Refinery Combo in the Dakotas???
- - By uphill (***) Date 02-27-2011 00:02
Anybody know of a good reason why they dont build a combo nuke/oil refinery in one of the sheltered clay basons where the prarie dogs live? Kind of seems like a no brainer so pipelines dont have to run all the way to Texas. The plants would create more and steadier work for the locals. Got to believe that the heat generated could be of value to the refinery. They put those useless wind farms all over and ruin the landscape so the scenic arguement cant apply.  Isnt there a way to seal off a valley so its completely contained from leakage or contaminating the ground  water?
They were going to add on the the powerplant just inside SD but our worm worshipping, tree hugging Minnesota Gov wouldnt allow a power transmission from the evil coal plant. Some fruitcups just dont get it, where do they think the power comes from to plug in the smart car anyway?

Sorry about the condition of my thinking maybe too much 1109 welding rod in closed spaces.

Food for thought
Parent - - By 52757 (**) Date 02-28-2011 17:46
Always thought we would get Big Stone II built, but it is pretty well a dead  issue now without the transmission lines. Been what now 30+ years and no problems with plant I.I have hunted a lot of geese around it.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 03-01-2011 00:10
Maybe the windmills will have to grid new lines into the area. Sure is a shame to ruin the beauty of SD with those awfull money wasting bird choppers.
I would imagine that Gov Dayton may be more open minded as he keeps his money in South Dakota (nice tax loophole)  New clean coal burning technology probably polutes less than the production / installation of the whinegenerators.

Maybe the middle east troubles may get some folks off the green fence?
- - By J Hall (***) Date 02-27-2011 05:07
Sounds good to me. They are still trying for the refinery at elk point, but the old dudes are putting up a fight.
We need to learn to do for ourselves.

Obummer and his green team helped to kill off the idea of a new coal fired plant at Selby,SD
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 03-01-2011 00:14
You suppose the reservations could do it without being stomped out by the greenies?
  Hopefully it wouldnt end up like the Navajo factory takeover....... Who doesnt like piles of cash without Casinos?
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 03-01-2011 02:40
The refinery got an extention on their clean air permit until 2012, so it may still come to be.
We still need to get a coal fired plant going. It's got to be cheaper to move electricity than coal.
I wonder why they don't go to the Rez?
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 03-01-2011 12:22
With the rising fuel prices building at the source of the fuel makes too much sense. I think that major corperations are scared to make investments in an area that they dont have complete control.  And there is that pesky AIM.  It only takes a handfull of non-compliancing folk to wreck it for the majority. Who wants jobs, schools, a visable future and a tax base anyway??

I like dealing with the Indian people, at least you know where you stand.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-07-2011 15:46
I like dealing with the Indian people, at least you know where you stand.

You got that right.
Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 03-09-2011 01:04
If I have to pay $3.00 to $5.00 dollars a gallons for gas I would rather pay my money to the people here in the U.S. than abroad and put people back to work using or on gas an oil.

Parent - - By ruero (**) Date 03-10-2011 22:51 Edited 03-10-2011 22:54
The Gov has givin the EPA and the enviro wacks way to much control over anything that might help us get ahead on our own. They are out of control and are in it for the money anymore, i really don't think they have many good intentions other then there own gain. I am workin in Oregon and was reading about a geothermal plant that is being proposed near Lakeview and low an behold there is some enviro wack jobs that are saying no no because there is some microscopic friggin bug that lives in the hot water. Give me a friggin break when will it end.
The new Keystone XL pipeline that will bring oil from Canada is under fire big time as well, God forbid we try to get oil somewhere other than the middle east to help us out, they were hoping to start construction this yr but it looks like that won't happen and Transcanada has added   $1B to the cost because of the delay. It goes on and on, i get sick of hearing this every time we try to improve our well being. my .02
"May all the enviro wacks freeze in the dark"
Parent - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 03-11-2011 17:34
I have a friend that lives in Alaska and he is asking people not to purchase no gas on the 3/14/2011 which is this coming Monday. I plan to go alone with it but if it helps the gas price I don't know.

Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 03-12-2011 00:39
They all seem to think that electricity comes from a light switch, and food comes from the grocery store. And farmers are poisoning thier ground, wolves belong everywhere, as long as it is someone elses area.

I had a guy ask me if asphalt roads can pollute the groundwater....."well there is oil in it isn't there?"
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Nuclear/Oil Refinery Combo in the Dakotas???

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