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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Large Diameter Pipe
- - By Sean Masse Date 02-28-2011 03:45
Hi Guys,

Has anyone ever bought or priced large diameter pipe? I am contemplating a project that would require about 6-8' of 20 or 24" Sched 10 (.25") or sched 40 (.375") pipe, rolled/welded, steel.

I was planning to call my supplier tomorrow but was wondering what others have paid for this kind of material.

Parent - By weaver (***) Date 02-28-2011 04:04
I had a project last year, 12'' sch40 , 125.00 a foot. your project could be spendy
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-28-2011 11:20
I bought 4' of 12" last year for my yearly test and paid $125-150 for it, x42/52 by 1/4" wall. But that was last April so probably doubled by now. Does it have to be new pipe? There's a guy around here that sells used pipe, he's got all different sizes maybe there is something near you that does the same.
Parent - By Rig Hand (***) Date 02-28-2011 17:41
For your test the pipe is usually required to have a Material test report or MTR's.

Now for your 6 or 12 month re-qualification (provided its not a destructive test) you might get away with used pipe. I would try and snag a few feet of left over pipe from one of those re route jobs, they'd probably give you a copy of the Mtr's as well.
- - By jp2welder (**) Date 02-28-2011 14:35
Sounds like you are building a big BBQ grill or smoker.

I'd suggest going to a scrap yard and looking for something that's been tossed.

While you're there, you might find lots of other goodies for yourself.

If you find what you want at a scrap yard, you typically pay for the weight of the steel. Customers, on the other hand, should pay 2 or 3 times what you pay at the scrap yard, plus your time in hunting it down.
Parent - By JCP (*) Date 02-28-2011 21:50
go to craigslist and look under materials seems like there's usually someone selling a long chunk of that size pipe
- - By texwelder (***) Date 02-28-2011 20:34
Does anybody know where you can get sch 10 6" pipe i cant find the smaller diameter pipe in the light wall. Thanks
Parent - - By Rig Hand (***) Date 02-28-2011 23:00
Carbon or stainless?
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 02-28-2011 23:02
Carbon, stainless is easy yo get in sch 10.
Parent - By Rig Hand (***) Date 02-28-2011 23:18
Check with a "metal by the foot" or "metal cut to length" store. Contractors use sch 10 carbon for pipe bollard post a lot and these kind of stores usually carry it. It will be higher priced ( not that you can tell a difference now a days).
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 03-01-2011 00:17
Anyone build grain augers in your area? Maybe they would have what your looking for
Parent - By TozziWelding (**) Date 03-01-2011 13:18
Depending on what your building, you might be better off getting a piece of plate rolled. The Voc Tech schools usually will do it for you, (that's whose power rolls I use).
Parent - - By Sean Masse Date 03-01-2011 14:26
We install sched 10 6" all over our mine. depending on how much you need we buy it with Victaulic ends at 20 and 10' lengths and we buy LOTS. The company we buy it from in Kamloops is called Emco which is somehow connected with another company called Westlund. Don't know where you are but those outfits may or may not be near you. The other thing to do is find your local Victaulic rep and ask him where to get 6" sched 10.
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 03-01-2011 15:02
I use alot of vic groove pipe but I have them turned on sch 40 or 80 pipe, somebody said try a plumbing supply house
Parent - By Sean Masse Date 03-02-2011 01:54
Plumbing supply might work but 6" is pretty big, they could point you in the right direction for sure.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Large Diameter Pipe

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