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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Help Stop Wasting of Student Welding Materials
- - By diverdileo (*) Date 02-28-2011 14:54
We use a massive amount of material teaching our welders GTAW welding aon 1" NPS Carbon Steel Socket Welds and Also for Monel 400 NICU Socket Welds. We cut the pipe from the welds to reuse the pipe, but we are told that we must cut one inch away from the welds because the hardened metal from welding would damage the blades in our band DoALL Band Saw (Model C-916M).

Is there away we can treat the metal through some heat treat ment process so that the welded metal will not damage the band saw blades?

Is there an special band saw blades that would not wear- if the blades break or wear to fast it would not be time or cost efficent compared to the price we save on material or would it?

We would like to cut the welds right at the socket couplings so that we can reuse the sockets also.

I am looking for several sugestions to help save us money. Each Monel Socket costs over $100 a piece.

I am open to any suggestions for our welding students.

(See Attachment)
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-28-2011 18:05
Smoking bandsaw blades is spendy.

Why not just use an abrasive chop saw?

Chop saw will be a little more friendly to harder steel.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 02-28-2011 20:26
Hello diverdileo, just read Lawrences's response. Along those lines, you might give the students a thin disc on a 4.5/5" inch angle head grinder and teach them how to properly "recycle" those soc-o-let fittings. Would be a great safety lesson for proper wheel/grinder use. Best regards, Allan
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Help Stop Wasting of Student Welding Materials

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