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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / What make a great AWS instructor and who is the best at it
- - By fit2inspect (**) Date 03-01-2011 18:46 Edited 03-02-2011 12:23
I have only had two class room instructors with AWS.  I found John Husfield the better out of the two. He had several great class room rules. This session was for everyone in here, and we should all respect one another. He made it clear to everyone that we were all equal in his class. Even though I was sitting next to a self Employeed engineer with 20 employees. We all paid the same price to achieve the same goal. To become a CWI. So let us have respect and put your cell phones on silent, wait or leave the room to answer a call. Can anyone elaborate what you enjoyed, from any classes at AWS.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-02-2011 01:24
I've had classes with many instructors through AWS.

The two that I felt were best were Ed Bohnart and Ken Coryell. 

I had Ed for a full week and Ken for a couple of day long seminars..  Both have excellent methods of working in real life experiences as consultants and expert wittnesses to back up the import of the things they teach.

Ed ate with the troops and talked shop at every break..  He stayed after classes every single session doing extra help, until the last student was satisfied. Meaning literally hours and hours beyond what he was contracted to do.

They both spoke in a way I could understand, took the time to reiterate important points in several ways to that folks who learn differently could absorb the stuff.

I got way more than I asked for or expected out of my time spent with these men.   Those things cost alot of money,  but I'm here to tell you that the return for me personally was damn near priceless..... (though I've made that money back many times in consulting work)
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-02-2011 04:04
I know personally that John is very good at what he does.  But so are many of the other instructors. 

The main thing to remember is that we all get different things from different people.  What gets through to me may not be what gets through to you.  Just because you have problems with a particular instructor doesn't mean the next person will have any problem at all. 

I enjoyed the whole week so much that I have advised all my competition to send at least one employee to the seminar rather they sit for the exam or not.  It is very educational and will benefit the fabricator/erector tremendously. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Hughes Welding (*) Date 03-03-2011 07:58
I also had Ed Bohnart at my CWI seminar.  This was my first seminar with the AWS.  Like Lawrence said Ed was down to earth and explained things 'till everyone got it.  That was one of his first statements he would stay late if anyone wanted help after class.
- By jbndt (**) Date 03-07-2011 17:48
Dave Diaz is an excellent instructor also.

Same rules on cell phones and courtesy.

He was there for us before class, at break and after class too.

He’s a no BS kind of guy that won’t waste time arguing “what if’s” at the expense of class.

He will tell you everything you need to know and how best to negotiate the code book.

You should also be prepared to be into the books well past the “Witching Hour”.
(And heaven help you, if he catches you in the hotel lounge …)

You may be sweating bullets on Saturday morning but, it WILL be worth it!

Jim B.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / What make a great AWS instructor and who is the best at it

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