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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New SAE 300 Redface
- - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 03-02-2011 00:08
I just received a response from a tech at Lincoln Electric concerning this new machine and wanted to share...


The Pipeliner 200 D and the Classic 300 D are both tapped-output machines
so they are similar in that regard, but they do have different generator
systems due to the capacity of the machines.   I am not sure why your
Classic 300 D seems to be ramping up when an arc is struck, or why it runs
colder than what you are expecting.    It is not something I can
troubleshoot from these comments.  This may be something that a Lincoln
field service shop needs to evaluate.  You can contact Jeff Spraggins in
our Service Dept.  per the above if you need help locating a Lincoln field
service shop.

The SAE-300 does not use taps to set the coarse current.   Instead it has a
continuous coarse current dial.   When used along with the OCV/fine current
dial, it has Dual Continuous Control, similar to the SAE-400, SAE-500 and
the old SAE motor-generator units.  It was compared against a Pipeliner 200
D and it produced better welding results becuase of the ability to tune the
arc better to what an operator prefers for pipe welding.  We had similar
comments on field test.  We have not had an opportunity to compare this to
the Classic 300 D yet, but I am anticipating similar results.

The new SAE-300 does not require a Custom Arc dial to adjust engine speed
and OCV.   It is also anticipated that an owner will never need to "roll
the rack" on this product to improve the sweet spot for welding output.
If you are thinking of buying a new welder, especially for pipe welding,
this would probably be an excellent choice for you.

No one presently working at Lincoln Electric knows with certainty what SAE
stands for.  It has been around for so long that all the retirees who might
have known are no longer living!   One guess has been "Sheld Arc
Electrode".   It could also be "Shield Arc Equipment".    I wish I knew for
sure too!
Parent - - By Rig Hand (***) Date 03-02-2011 00:35
The SAE-400 is the best machine I have ever used, its just not practical to have at 7' long and 2,000 pounds

I will be waiting to see these new 300's
Parent - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 03-02-2011 00:43
go to Lincolns website and check it out. they are similar in size to a 200/300D but not quite as tall I think if I remember correctly. I really would like to test one out!
Parent - - By cwf07 (***) Date 03-02-2011 00:45
They got them on Lincolns web page now. It looks good I heard good things about them I talked to a couple of people that has welded with them.They said it welds as good as a sa200.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 03-07-2011 23:24
I am VERY EXCITED about this machine. Maybe Lincoln has decided that the Old School built machine was really what worked best. This sexy little machine is only 1416 lbs, 37.1"H x 24"W x 65"L. Real close to shipping dimemsions on the SA200. The Old School 'reactor' in  place of the selector switch was a welcome comeback.

One of the local suppliers is ordering one in for me to sit in my floor and play with!!!!!Yipppeee!!!!!! I will pass on my excitement and knowledge. Good old Perkins 404.. And the REDFACE is back with a new look.
Parent - - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 03-07-2011 23:57
I just recently got another reply e-mail from a different tech at Lincoln in regard to the reactor. I had a concern about the method which they were using to achieve the continuous coarse current. (thought maybe they were using a potentiometer) I too was glad to hear that they were using tried and true technology that has been in place for a long time. I was worried that it was going to be just one more thing to complicate the thing and be prone to failure. As for the Perkins, that I am not sure of... I know that they do make pretty good engines but I also was told of a few problems that the company that I work for had in regard to them on the 300D's they purchased and Perkins wouldn't stand behind their product at that time for whatever the reason. All were replaced with the kubotas which do not seem to give us any problems. I am curious as to why it wasnt offered as a choice???
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 03-08-2011 18:09
HP and continued surging problems with the Kubota. Other than that Im not sure.

My local Perkins center jumps thru hoops when its under warranty. But not every shop is the same.
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 03-09-2011 19:29
Caterpillar has owned Perkins since 1997.  Same here for a while some smaller Perkins ran on farm irrigation pumps gave problems and gave them a bad name for a while because of warranty issues.  Never had any real problems with Perkins myself.
Parent - - By cwf07 (***) Date 03-07-2011 23:57
Please let me know what you think about it I was going to order the 300D with the Kubota intil I saw the Sae-300 now I am waiting for a little more of them to get out to see how reliable they are so far I have not hear but good thing about them.
Parent - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 03-07-2011 23:58
I wish you could "test drive" one at the LWS... I too would really like to see how it is!:grin:
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 03-07-2011 23:25
Parent - - By C6.7weldrig (**) Date 03-10-2011 03:06
:cool:I WANT one of these new SAE-300's  so badly!!!!!
How am i going to justify buying this one to the wife??? She is already mad because I have 7 engine drive welders and just bought another one yesterday.... she thinks i have an addiction...I told her that is perfectly normal for a welder to own dozens of engine drive welders... they are "spares" honey... :lol: 
I have GOT to have one of these new SAE-300's:cool:
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 03-10-2011 16:08
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New SAE 300 Redface

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