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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipe fence
- - By rcwelding (***) Date 03-02-2011 03:20
I just had a guy that I have done allot of work for ask me to bid a job for him.. Its just a pipe 2 3/8 .180 wall top rail and 5ft V-mesh horse wire fence..

  Its 7,500ft of fence and I am having heck getting V-mesh wire at a good price.. Best I have found so far is $380 for a 150ft role..

  Do you guys know where I can buy it in bulk...  I haven't searched the net much for manufactures.. Hope to do that tomorrow..

  His lowest bid so far was $12 a foot labor.. plus material... If I can score some cheep wire this job would make me a bit of money..!!

  I'd rather be working in the oilfield but by dam If I can make some money 5mi from the house I'm going to jump on it..!! LOL..!!

Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 03-02-2011 03:47
Where not to far apart, I'll check.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 03-02-2011 13:30
That's 90k in labor dangit you'll be set for the rest of the year!! Try Madill, ok they make cattle panels there they should have horse fence or Hooten's in Emory,Tx
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 03-02-2011 18:11
Well i built 12000 feet of fence just like that a few years back. Posts 8 ft apart all concreted in and installed the wire, I didnt do the painting she had that done, I charged 5.25 a ft labor. She ordered her wire by the truck load from stay tight, but all together she probally had 8 miles of that wire on that place. So check around on the net you can get it way cheaper than that.
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 03-03-2011 12:06
Master Halco is a nation wide company that is a fence supplier. $380 is a good price for the wire. I have installed pipe fence for 20 years. Also, if you can get 12 bucks a ft labor, GET IT. You will hate the wire part of the job because of where you tie it onto the post at each end of the stretch. Its very time consuming tieing each wire to the post. Splicing the wire will make you cuss too. i put some up last year and only got 7 bucks a ft labor. 12 buck a ft would have been a whole lot better.
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 03-04-2011 03:59
I'm looking at Subbing out the wire part now.. I really don't want to mess with that wire..!!!

  I have two welders I can stick on the line then have a couple guys setting posts in front of the welders.. I think I can knock out the pipe part pretty quick..

- By lastnline (*) Date 03-02-2011 04:09
check out Stay Tuff horse wire. great stuff and it comes in rolls longer than 150 ft.
- - By crahner (**) Date 03-02-2011 04:18
12 bucks a foot labor only is an amazing price.  There are many guys doing around here for 3.  I am getting 4 when I have to, but try for 5.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-02-2011 11:40
$3, $4 and $5 dollars for labor sounds cheap as heck.....until you multiply times 7500 ft!
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 03-02-2011 12:43
I hate to bust in, but what post spacing do you usually use on 2 3/8 fence with 2 3/8 top rail?
Parent - - By crahner (**) Date 03-02-2011 13:24
I typically go 10' on center with posts in the ground 30-36".  In high pressure areas I will move them to 8' on center.
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 03-02-2011 15:49 Edited 03-02-2011 22:30
Are you using concrete, or just driving them?
Parent - By crahner (**) Date 03-03-2011 01:48
All in concrete, holes dug with 8" auger.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 03-03-2011 02:20
I am using concrete for my posts.  8" auger 30" deep.. I'm bidding it using new reject 2 3/8 pipe which is more expensive than used drill stem by about 50 to 75 cents a foot depending when and where I buy it..  The best I can get new reject for is $1.80 for .180 wall.. Do you guys know where I can get it cheaper..?? 15,000ft  of pipe adds up quick..!!

I like it because it is new pipe to start with and it is clean and fast to weld and not magnetized..  I can warranty it for 10yrs that way too.. I wont even think of doing any kind of a warranty on used pipe...!!!  

  This V-mesh is just expensive stuff.. This company is always high but this is the product the customer wants..  Its not standard horse fence or woven wire...

   Man I sure hope this work keeps rolling in..!!  I had a ( DEAD !!!!! )  fall and winter and in the last three weeks the phone is going crazy... Its not really the work I want to be doing but if the money starts rolling in I'm NOT going to complain..!! 

  If the Good Lord wants to bless me with a pile of fence and buildings and they are willing to pay... By golly I'm going to get knee deep in it and be smiling the whole time..!! LOL

  I have had times like this and think I am on top of the world than it all go's away over night.. I'm not counting my chickens before they are hatched.. Till I get the First draw to start a job I keep looking for work..LOL 

Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 03-03-2011 03:25
Well, good luck to you and thanks for lettin me bust in and ask questions.
And thanks both of you for the answers
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 03-03-2011 12:10
i can sell you 15000 ft for a $1.10 per ft FOB enid oklahoma. no splits or holes. This will be used 2 3/8 oilfield tubing. Freight will cost you around $1500 to ship it to you...
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 03-04-2011 03:52
I can get used pipe for around the same price but I want new reject if at all possible..!! 

  Thank you for the offer though..!!

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-05-2011 05:12
had a guy wanting 1500 foot of top and mid rail...2"   I told him $12 ft material and all and he thought I was insane high.   In figured I was giving him a pretty square deal.  Never even thought about used material or rejects....I will keep that in mind for the future.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-15-2011 05:39
I get used pipe my customers wont buy or pay for new mateial. They buy the material and i put it up for 8.00 a ft never had a complaint paint is extra they usually do it themselves
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-16-2011 02:44
so old drill pipe is pretty common supply for this?   I got a few ranchers/ferriers round here, if I can make it better for em and get some of those long stretches that would be fine with me.  I was pricing fresh brand new pipe.  This guy was trying to get me to do it at $5 a foot....I did not laugh but I did snicker a bit.
Parent - By crahner (**) Date 03-16-2011 03:50
old drill pipe is by far the cheapest right now. I just bought some, probalbly the cleanest I have ever seen for 1.25 a foot.  $5 a foot labor, folding money, sounds like one that a person could make plenty on.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-18-2011 14:07
Thats all i use Tommy unless the customer wants new but after i get quotes they always change their mind lol thye buy the material i supply labor rods and gases for 7.50-8.00 linear foot it adds up pretty quick i got it down to where i can run 100 feet in a day by myself
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 03-19-2011 02:03
When you talk about price per foot are you including digging the holes and setting the posts, concrete etc. as well? Or what does that include? There are alot of feed lots around here and most are using sucker rod and pipe for fencing. Reading these posts has got me thinking about some extra income this summer for me and the crew. I have 3 boys that need to start contributing toward the rising grocery bill.:eek:
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-21-2011 03:14
i try to get the customer to dig the hole and set the post bit if i end up doing it ill add to the labor or charge by the hole usually just add to the labor
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 03-21-2011 23:03
Thanks Shad. I don't have a Bobcat to auger holes with so I'd have to rent. That would no doubt raise the price somewhat. Thanks for the info.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-30-2011 05:04
I dont have a bobcat or tractor i dig the holes by hand it isnt cheap for me to dig the holes
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 03-22-2011 23:52
I have been out of town for ten days to my brothers wedding just out of LA California.. Wheew you better not let any grass grow under your feet in that place..!!  I wont say they are nuts but they dang sure don't drive like they do in Texas and that gos for any big city I have been in Texas...

  Ok back on point.. I havent been able to follow this forum much since I have been gone..

  When I bid pipe fence I like to bid the whole deal if I can.. I don't want anyone else digging the holes or anything else.. I try to warranty my work to help instill confidence in my customers so I want to know exactly what is going on, like what the ground dug like, how straight it is, how deep they are etc....

  Everyone one is different but that's what I like to do..!!

- By CoonBait (*) Date 03-23-2011 03:16
rc call me 2maro 3/23cst i will give you some info.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipe fence

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