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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Sometimes I hate being home
- - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 03-03-2011 00:38
Had a good job last week but we finished up !! Now I'm home again !! Ready to go again!!
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-03-2011 00:57
Hang in there, I am trying to send you back out again
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-03-2011 10:17
Glad I'm not the only one that feels that way!! LoL! Been almost a year since I've been gone for any length of time and been getting that itch!
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 03-03-2011 12:37
I will be home on April 9th when my current contract ends.  I am not looking forward to it.  I can only take so much bad TV and can not stand reading for more than 1 or 2 hours.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 03-03-2011 15:35
I love my family but dang they get on my last nerve!!
- - By Rig Hand (***) Date 03-03-2011 02:52
FISHING ??? :)

I couldn't help myself, I hope you find some work.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 03-03-2011 21:19
Beware, Gentlemen!
What would happen if your wives happen to read your postings?
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-04-2011 01:07
Quote as seen on the internet:

.  Amarillo High School and Oiler coach Bum Phillips when asked by Bob Costas why he takes his wife on all the road trips,
    Phillips responded: "Because she is too ugly to kiss good-bye."

Hope Bum Phillips's wife didn't know His reply.
Parent - - By 1mancrew (**) Date 03-04-2011 03:53
I guess I'm just cut from a different cloth in that regard. I normally stay busy close to home but haven't been able to find anything there so now I'm working up here in Pinedale. I've got a 7yr old boy and a 4yr old girl at home with the wife and I really miss seeing them everyday. I guess its not that bad. I'm busy here, making money and I'm only about 7hrs drive from home.

OK, so do you guys deal with being away that long? This is a little tough for me.

GH Weidman
Parent - - By ryan gaspard (**) Date 03-04-2011 05:12
Just look at it like this,you could be at home with no job,wondering how to pay the bills and put food on  ur table for your family.Just thank GOD u have a job to go to,good luck and i hope it gets easier or u find a job at home.
Parent - By 1mancrew (**) Date 03-04-2011 05:37
Good way of looking at it. Thanks
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-04-2011 15:28
I raised 5 kids while having many jobs away from home.  Sometimes only a few days at a time.  Sometimes a month or so.  Home a few days and gone again.  Did a year 200 miles from home gone for 8/10's and home for 6.  Not bad but hard on those of us who are really strong family.

My wife and I are coming up on our 35th anniversary this year.  5 kids, 6 grandkids.  Still got three boys to get married off. 

I stayed home as much as I could.  Worked as close to home as I could.  OR, took them with me.  Did that alot when travelling in the Boilermakers.  Did lots of weekend minivactions checking out all the sites in the areas where the jobs were.  Made some great family times.

BUT, not always possible.  Especially in these economic times.  At least it is easier to stay in touch when you must be away. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Rig Hand (***) Date 03-05-2011 05:51
Do you have Skype?
Its a free computer program that allows you to see & hear them and they can see & hear you (video chat). I know its not the same as being there, but you could see your kids while you was talking to them.
My laptop is pretty old so I had to buy a "camera" (thats just what I call it) that plugs into your USB and then it sets on the top of your screen. I think it was under $50 but a lot of new laptops have them built in.
Parent - By 99205 (***) Date 03-05-2011 22:22
Skype is really nice.  I use it to keep in touch with my Daughter and grand kids, it's almost like being there with them.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-05-2011 16:35
Heck, she don't have to read it I tell her all the time! She'll start getting after me and I'll tell her it's about time I found some work on the other end of the country!
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 03-07-2011 21:21
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Sometimes I hate being home

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