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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / what no one knows!!!???@!!!
- - By KSellon (****) Date 03-03-2011 01:10
What no one takes into account is the fact that you have to know and see what previous owners have done. THE WORST CODE I HAVE COME ACROSS IS A 7789, BUT*******I have replaced atleast 1000 shunt field coils in these machines. ALL with 100% copper.


The machines you are looking at are 50+ years old. You do not know what has been touched or changed. Installing soft brushes, hard brushes, after market brushes, OEM brushes, wet seatin, stone seating, rolling the rack to the hot side, rolling the rack to the cold side, uppin the RPMs, putting a dime in front of the throttle screw on the governor....ETC ETC ETC,.......

A GOOD MACHINE IS LIKE A WIFE----ITS WHERE AND WHEN YOU FIND IT... Make it your machine. LEARN how it works and why.

women shoes and pipe you all claim to know it......, HOW??:??

I wasn't born to weld but I know how to make a machine do it. I know what I like on a puddle, I know whatI like on deposition.... HOW?>?>?> I realized that the people I love need it to make a living. You and your family need it, so why not realize and learn why????????????? You allow some half ass might know something to turn a wrench on your money maker----but you complain when I give out FREE advise that doesn't fix it because there are TOO MANY VARIABLES or you come to my house or shop n I charge you $100 in labor to get it right.
I am here to explain what I know.. Please take the time to LEARN HOW or WHAT.,...
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-03-2011 01:16
YEAH !!!! What She Said !!!
Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 03-03-2011 03:37
" Learn how it works and why."  
Very true.
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 03-03-2011 04:40
Kay if i were close to you id bring my machines to you. But one day after i get married (april 9th) i hope to get my spare to you for a makeover.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-03-2011 17:59
Very well put Kay.  There should be more people out their getting their advice from you.  Practical advice, not just the technical stuff on their machines.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
- By tompit9 (***) Date 03-03-2011 01:42
You tell um sister
- - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 03-03-2011 05:34
Very true Kay I am not a mechanic but I agree you should get to know your machine like you know your wife. My wife is not a morning person and my 250 classic two is'nt either. Waking that machine in the morning is a bit on the onry side till I get the first weld in. Sounds to me (and just a hunch) that you have had quite a few people recently have problems with either your price on fixing a machine or they are just so picky in fine tuning  and they dont know what it is they want. Not sure if I have hit the nail on the head but just a hunch. You quoted that your not really a welder but more of a specialist at fixing machines. Many of us here know more about welding and dont know exactly what rolling a rack a 1/16th hard or soft or brush sets and ocvs play in the out come of the weld puddle. I do know for a fact what these little tolorances play in what I see and feel in the puddle. But I would say there is a fair amount that dont. I would say its a safe bet that on my side of the fence that when a welder has a problem with a machine when it pertains with his weld puddle that he starts grasping at straws and trying new things in hopes to straitghten it out. If we knew everything about these machines then we wouldn't need such a specialist such as your self. Just an idea and not sure if its even worth noting but maybe if you had a little qestionaire that stated all the tuning that you could do to that machine and what the pros and cons were on that tweak would help you figure out what the owner of that machine is looking for. As I am sure you very well know its hard to read a welders mind.

Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 03-03-2011 15:34
Hey Stan-- I spent all day yesterday on the phone, helping some guys fix their machines (or try to fix). Average call was over an hour each. Things get lost in translation because they didn't follow the words I was using to identify parts. They didn't understand 'why' that would have anything to do with their problem. 2 of the guys were an hour and half away from my shop on a job. I told them Id stay late if theyd just bring it in, and I show them how and why things work. Id get their machines fixed within an hour charge them $50. And the reply was "well just tell me what to do, I cant afford the downtime".
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-15-2011 05:47
You will never hear a cpmplaint come from my mouth everytime i call or stop by you fix my machine just fine and all the orders i have placed for parts i dont think i have ever waited more thatn 2 days for an order thats why i continue to come to you Thank you for all your help and speedy deliveries. The new radiator cover i ordered came in 2 days and was in perfect condition i'll be putiing it on my next days off Thanks again my good friend for all you do and have done
- By altnden (*) Date 03-03-2011 14:29
I would like to add to this thread if i may. I for one do value the fact that there is someone with the honesty and knowledge that Kay and Bill bring to the rest of us less experienced individuels that look for expert help in getting and keeping our welding machines going. With that being said, i would like to hear more comments and information on everyone's take with what they are looking for , and seeing when they are reading the puddle. I know what i look at and like to see but am wondering what others like and look for.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / what no one knows!!!???@!!!

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