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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Has anyone taken the Radiographic Interprete course
- - By fit2inspect (**) Date 03-03-2011 18:46 Edited 03-04-2011 12:06
Hello everyone:

I'm about to complete my B31.1, B31.3 and Section IX exam this month. I would like to round up my new code book endorsements with the AWS’s Radiographic Interpreter endorsement. I have been a structural fab guy all my life not too much pipe work, but that’s the field I’m heading for. My company is expanding to include not only building the skids but outfitting them with all the pipe work as well. A one stop fab shop so to speak. My questions are for the people that have taken AWS or another learning center’s preparatory course. Did you learn a lot? How was the instructor? Whether you passed or fail, is there anything you would have done differently, that would have improved your results?

I know I will learn a lot since I don’t know a thing about radiography, but it’s on how, where and did the course that was taught bring you enough information for you to pass the AWS endorsement test, for a person like myself that is not a NDE hand and has never handled gamma camera or a IQI before.

I thank everyone in advance for their input.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 03-04-2011 06:50

I took the Radiographic Interpreter course 2 years ago at Hellier in Houston. I was most impressed with their facility and the Instructor. FWIW, I also took the Level I and II UT at Hellier in Connecticut (2 weeks later) and also have nothing but praise for the quality of their coursework. Yes I learned things (RT, I still have zero hands on in UT) ) in that class that greatly aided my worth as a field QC in the power and petroleum industry.
Sadly though, I did not do a follow through and get the RT endorsement, as was "The Plan". If and or when I return to the aforementioned projects, I fully intend to retake the RTI class (at Hellier) and immediately (prescheduled the next time) take the AWS endorsement exam.
Having been to 2 of his facilities (If you go to Connecticut, you stand a good chance to meet one of QC's legends, Chuck Hellier as I did), I can say that it is excellent and have never heard of anyone not getting their $$$ worth.
As far as NDE work goes for hands on experience is to call ACUREN or another local provider of such services.
I recently (2/21-25th/2011) took Level II coursework in MT and PT in Webster, TX. The school was good, but would have to say something was lacking. Maybe it's because I paid for the former and the latter was company sponsored?????
Parent - By fit2inspect (**) Date 03-04-2011 12:09
Thanks Superflux

I'll check Chuck Hellier out on the web.

Parent - By joe pirie (***) Date 03-13-2011 23:30
you better look at the requirements you must meet in order to qualify to take the test.
you'll find it on the aws website under certifications
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Has anyone taken the Radiographic Interprete course

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