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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Beveling machine dogs
- - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 03-07-2011 01:28
I've got two a 2"-4" and a 6"-12" H&M both . I need the exact length of the dogs on both cause my dogs seem to have disappeared since I loaned them out I'm gonna make my own I could do it the hard way but figured I'd ask y'all first thanks fellas!!
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 03-07-2011 03:35
I bet if you called H and M and told them you own two of there machines. I can almost bet with alittle sweet talk they will give you the length of each of the dogs your wanting to machine.
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 03-07-2011 04:02
Probably so idk?
Parent - - By yojimbo (***) Date 03-07-2011 16:15
You can buy the dogs from the beveling machine manufacturer- they get spendy- Mathey's 8" button tabs cost me about $75 a set but that was years ago.  H & M hypoid dogs are a more complicated machined unit and I don't know how much they go for.  If a guy was going to make his own, the Mathey rep I spoke with told me the length of the dog could be derived from this formula: ID of saddle on machine - [minus] OD of pipe to be cut divided by 2.  I guess a guy could try that out with some long bolts or allthread and double nuts to see if that formula was correct and then get something machined up.
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 03-08-2011 00:20
Pretty and good idea with the nut and bolt thing to check before you machine. Not sure if that you would even need to do that because the math makes perfect sence. My question would be how would you find out the actuall radius of an 8" beveler. Maybe tic marks and a soft tape?
Parent - By yojimbo (***) Date 03-08-2011 16:31
You would find the radius by measuring the shortest distance across the inside of the beveler to get the dia. and divide by 2.  R= 1/2 dia.  All you need though is the ID of the beveler which equals its diameter and the OD of the pipe you're making dogs for.
Parent - - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 03-07-2011 23:36
I am thinking that it may depend on the model of the beveler as to the exact length you need. I know that some I have used (H&M) varied depending on which model it was and if it utilized the cuboid spacers or the round peg style dogs. Give us a bit more info about your model of machines and maybe one of us can give you the right dimensions.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 03-07-2011 23:41
Ordered some today
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-15-2011 05:28
i had to replace dogs once on a h&m 3-8'' machine and the full set was 65.00
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Beveling machine dogs

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