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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / minimum fillet weld size if not specified
- - By wvishere Date 03-11-2011 16:47
I am new to this forum so if this question has been asked, please let me know where to find the answer.

Background info:  AWS Code=2008 d1.1; clauses 5.14 and 6.9; table 5.8; design dwg specifies 5/16" fillet weld between 1/2" thk stl plt and 2" dia sch 80 steel pipe.

Question:  Given the above design spec, is the minimum weld size to be 5/16" regardless of the thickness of the parts joined (sch 80 pipe is 0.22")?  Or, does some other clause overrule the designer of record stating weld size cannot exceed thinner part joined?  Or, would a question need to be posed to the designer to change the minium to 0.22" (say 3/16")?

Thank you....
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-11-2011 18:49
You were close with your reference running....go back to AWS D1.1:2008 Table 5.8 and look at the Min Size of Fillet Weld Column(notice the little "b") then read footnote "b".
...see if that helps your case any.

...also see

EDIT: Welcome to the forum
Parent - By wvishere Date 03-12-2011 01:53
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-11-2011 23:18


A couple of points to add to the information John posted...

1) The engineer can call out larger weld if he so desires.  No clause 'overrules' the engineer.  See Clause 1.4.1. 
2) You may send an RFI and with the information in Table 5.8 and footnote 'b' ask if smaller fillets would be permissible.
3) According to Table 6.1, referenced by your mention of Clause 6.9, you may have a portion of the weld undersize by 1/8" not to exceed 10% of the length of the weld.  So it doesn't ALL have to be 5/16".
4) There is nothing I am aware of in D1.1 that states a weld cannot be larger than the thickness of the thinner member. 
5) So, if you really want to take the time to ask for a change with the engineer's stamp of approval, sent the RFI (Request For Information).

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By wvishere Date 03-12-2011 01:54
thanks, this addresses my concerns...
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / minimum fillet weld size if not specified

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