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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Practice time before a test is required
- - By louis2 (**) Date 03-17-2011 19:32
I know this is different for everyone.
I have some beginning high school students that aren't that motivated to progress through the task chart.
I plan on changing my program up. I want to give them a certain amount of time to practice a new position on a particular joint and then require them to test. If they score high enough they can move on to the next task, if not they will have to repeat on that same task. If they get good enough before the next test date I would let them test sooner. I do let anyone that gets good enough progress through the task list as fast as they can. I have had some second year students catch up to some third year students, but that is only a couple of them. In the past I have made them go on to the next task when the time was up. The idea now will be that they will not be allowed to progress if they don't score high enough, and seeing the other students get to go to the next task might prompt them to want to work harder.

My question is what would the average practice time be for, let's say a horz tee joint before you set a test date?
Parent - By metalbeater Date 04-04-2011 16:57
My training program uses a 16 hour practice period for a 3 pas Horiz. T on a 10" coupon.  anything less seem to be a waste of test material.  My students attend class 4 days a week 4 hours a day.
  Hope that helps.
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 04-04-2011 17:23
If a student has an IEP, make sure that you follow ALL accommodations it contains.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Practice time before a test is required

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