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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Jump starting machines.
- - By Superflux (****) Date 03-19-2011 05:23
Trying to catchup and learn/re-learn all I can on minimal support and remote operations.
I remember years ago, if a battery was dead, we would "shake hands" with the Lincoln SA200s to jump start them. Hook up the welding leads of a running machine to the dead one.
1) Does this work if the starter is out?
2) Will this work with the little Bobcat and Trailblazer Millers? We also have a large Miller Air Pack.
3) And finally, does it damage either machine?

Thanks for any comments in advance.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-19-2011 11:30
I don't know much about "shaking hands" as you said Superflux but I jump started my Ranger off the truck battery one time and when I went into the local welder repair shop he said, "oooohhhhh, don't jump start that machine", said something about how you could fry the board. Did not pursue the subject much after that so not sure on how much truth there was in that statement. Have not jump started it again though!
Parent - By TozziWelding (**) Date 03-19-2011 11:40
You can only cross leads with an old generator machine(don't tell me I can't because thats how I start my SA-250 after it sits for a few mos), turn it all the way down and she will fire right off. If you try jumping a rectified alternator type machine, you will cook something$$$$$:eek:
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 03-20-2011 02:51
Hello John, only the generator type machines can be "jumped" in the manner that you first described. Any machine that utilizes an alternator type generation system will not work with that technique. To my knowledge, none of the Miller machines can be jumped in that manner as they are based on an alternator design. Not completely knowledgeable on the Lincoln machines, the older units can be started in that manner(SA 200s, 250s, 400s, etc.), doubt that any of the air-cooled machines would allow for that, not sure about the newer water cooled units, including the Deutz powered diesels. After thinking about this a bit more, anything with a set of slip-rings(alternator design) wouldn't be considered for connection to other machines leads to start, a machine that utilizes brushes on a commutator of some sort would likely allow for that sort of "jump" start. If you connect another machines battery or another vehicles battery to your welder you should be able to jump start it without causing damage. If the starter is out on a welder and it isn't a generator type machine you will need to address the starter issue by either repairing or replacing it. That's my $.02 for what it's worth. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 03-20-2011 05:40
Thanks every one. I thought I remembered something about only generators being able to do that. Thought I'd toss the idea out to all you experts in here. Last thing we want to do is fry something that could be avoided. Get enough F/Us with out trying.
See Blog for latest fiasco here "in theater".
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Jump starting machines.

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