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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Charge Lybia for costs involved in rescuing citizens?
- - By uphill (***) Date 03-20-2011 19:32 Edited 03-24-2011 12:16
I dont know how others feel but if the US government can charge those people evacuated from Lybia why dont we charge them for saving Lybian civilians lives? Get our money back on a T&M contract by shipping oil out and selling it in the same percentages it was sold before this war started. Not our war but thiers.  Every time we get involved in one of these UN (utter nonsense) supposed joint efforts we flip the whole bill and most likely furnish almost all of the armerment used in the media event.  Kill the bastard and kill all his kinfolk. We can repent later.

I dont have a problem helping out the folks that are being gunned down by this terrorist. It is way too little and thousands of innocents too late. Should have killed the sleazy scumbag in 1986? WTF

Just some blood pressure related rants. Getting that I cant watch the news. TV's dont hold up so good to steel toed boots.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 03-21-2011 15:08 Edited 03-21-2011 15:10

Only  uninformed suckers believe that the "UN Action" is a humanitarian effort to protect the rebels ( / Freedom fighters / oppressed peoples, Etc).  This is action in support of "Big Oil". We are being fed a "pablum" of rhetoric by the media, in an effort to get us and other nations involved in support of an action that will probably result in the formation of another hard line Muslim theocracy.  There will be little or no "net resultant increase" of individual freedom when this is over.  Even the lowest civil servant in Muslim states are corrupt.  Self aggrandizement and extra legal enrichment are "innate" to peoples in regions like this.  Any new government will just result in a re-distribution of wealth, apportioning of corrupt monies to new players, and no real break for the citizens.  The oil wealth (Ideally a national treasure to be shared by all the citizens,) will remain in the hands of the  existing "OILIGARCY"

All the players in the Lybian rebellion  hate us and all other non-Muslims.  Notice that the "Media" has not identified what "Faction" would take over in the event that the present "Government"  cedes or is removed.  Notice that our own government has not told us what faction will take over either.  Notice that the majority of the Lybian oil fields are located south of Bengazi.

We are having sunshine pumped up our @$$e$.
Parent - By rlitman (***) Date 03-21-2011 19:22
You're probably right, and it's very sad indeed.  Where you miss the point, is that the Libians also hate many fellow Muslims, and are hated by most other Muslims too.  Why do you think the Arab League is in on this?  They've all got a grudge to settle against Libya for some thing or another (The Saudi's, because Gaddafi tried to have their king assassinated in Mecca of all places; The Lebanese because of the disappearance of a prominent religious leader (Musa Sadr, who also had Iranian ties) while in Libya; the list goes on and on).  It's like one of those murder/mystery movies where everyone has a motive.
Nobody was happy with Gaddafi because he's unstable, and OPEC states like stable leaders that can tow the line and keep oil profits on the rise (I know that oil -prices- are rising because of this conflict and instability, but higher prices aren't necessarily in line with long term -profits-, and OPEC nations understand this well).  Human rights don't even enter the equation.

The thing is, the feeling is mutual.  I don't think that politicians here "like" any of the players in this significantly more than they "like" Gaddafi.  In that sense,
we just want stable oil producing nations, to keep prices low, to help our economy.

I for one find that kind of sunshine warm and comforting enough for me.  We can't be the world's policemen.  It's just too costly, both in dollars, and in good-will capital (of which we've got just about none left after our last president).  I can't pretend to be able to predict what the outcome will be, but your prediction of yet another hard-line theocracy is quite reasonable.  Nobody know what these rebels will come up with in the still unlikely event that they're not crushed, but while I'm all for a people taking to arms to overthrow a tyrant, I don't entirely see why we should support them directly when they're most likely to sell us out a the first opportunity.  Unfortunately, I don't have a better answer.  Just look at how well the "Kingdoms" set up by Britain after WWI worked out. . .
Hopefully, we've learned enough from history to not repeat it but only time will tell.
Parent - By 52757 (**) Date 03-21-2011 18:54
Aren't these the same people that cheered in the streets afteer 911?
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-21-2011 22:53
We talked about this today for a few minutes. Obama said, "we will not have troops on the ground" and we are performing air strikes but will turn this over to our other allies to take care of. I can only laugh as I sit back and wait for that to happen.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-21-2011 23:28
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 03-22-2011 13:22 Edited 03-22-2011 13:24
I would like to see Qbama impeached for getting us into war without congressional approval.  We don't go to war in this country because the almighty UN gods say so!
Parent - By Jaxddad (**) Date 03-22-2011 14:10
maybe I am wrong but it seems funny that Barry is helping anyone that is willing to take out leaders that are freindly to the U.S.. In Libya and Egypt both the leaders where scum but they where willing to work with the U.S. and, in both cases now we have no idea of what we will be faceing but I would be willing to bet that who ever steps in will not be U.S. freindly in any way shape or form. Just a muslim helping muslim hurt us as I see it.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 03-22-2011 15:50
not oil this time
Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 03-22-2011 16:15
We are entangled in yet ANOTHER foreign war in which we have little or no national interest; with ZERO constitutional grounds for going to war.  Washington is BROKEN.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Charge Lybia for costs involved in rescuing citizens?

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