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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / A514 Material Groups Table C-2.4
- - By Bryan Bidewell 2 Date 03-21-2011 11:33
I'm looking at running a WPQR for A514 Grade Q material (65mm & over) and according to Table C-2.4 of AWSD1.1 A514 is split into strength groups based on its thickness i.e. 65mm & over is group 4 and up to 65mm is group 5, however these grades are not listed in Table 3.1. In the event of running a WPQR in accordance with Table 4.6 (CVN requirements), does table C-2.4 affect the material groupings in a way that compromises the essential variables or are these factors non-applicable for running WPQR's etc as not detailed within table 3.1?
Parent - By fschweighardt (***) Date 03-22-2011 02:51
what edition are you using

The below is per AWS D1.1:2010
It sounds like you may be qualifiying a WPS, with impact requirements, with a slightly odd steel and material thickness.  The good news is that Table 4.8 gives you some guidance on what base metal combinations can be in the WPS, based on the PQR tests.  Table 4.9 gives some approved electrodes and preheat/interpass temps. I am not sure what Grade Q is and it does not appear to be mentioned in Table 4.9.  If you can use the A514 that is mentioned in the code, you will only be allowed to weld that specific grade with the WPS that will be generated with your PQR.  Presumably your impacts are specified by ft-lbs and temp, if not, note 2 says 20 @ 0 Be aware that the max preheat on your over 65mm stuff is 450 deg F and the minimum is 225 per note 3.

A514 does not seem to have a code assigned group #, so the group number line the table 4.6 shouldl not apply, not to mention that per the above, the WPS will only be for over 65mm A514, no other base metal allowed.  At least, that is how I would write the WPS, if you want an under 65mm procedure, I would just run another PQR, mostly because the thinner A514 has another 10ksi of yield
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / A514 Material Groups Table C-2.4

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