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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Ebay-- why get it free when you can pay for it
- - By KSellon (****) Date 03-22-2011 20:38
Just found this--- Now I have a link on my website for it at NO CHARGE... But this guy is charging $55 a copy and getting rave reviews.????
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 03-24-2011 12:20
Funny people thinking free is bad. I had a free set of wheels and tires sitting in my driveway for weeks, nobody wanted them. I loaded them up and put them in front of the shop one day with $40 sign...... stolen by quitting time. 

Thanks for the service.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 03-24-2011 22:27
My mom is an avid gardener.  She had piles of yellow squash.. She put them on the road side with a free sign.. No takers..  Put a sign out on the road.. 10 garden fresh yellow squash for a dollar... She sold out before noon... lol

Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 03-25-2011 00:37
like button
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-25-2011 13:25
I see that the free one on your site says it is copyrighted. Can they legally sell a printed off copy on ebay?? Is that not the same as down loading illegal music and then turning around and selling it on ebay? Not sure about copyright laws but seems odd that they are selling what appears to be a reprint from Office Depot or something.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 03-25-2011 14:56
ding ding ding!!!! Thats what I was thinkin, but hey who am I to know.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Ebay-- why get it free when you can pay for it

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