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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / electrode dia. for 6g??
- - By mcwelding (**) Date 10-23-2002 13:54
hey guys,
what do you expert welders use for a aws d1.1 6g test? the test will be 8 inch dia. 1/2 wall tubing. i personally like 3/32 for 6010 and 7018 for verticles and overhead. im gonna take this test after much needed practice. it seems the most common flavors are 6010 root and 7018 remainder. the pipes will be gapped 1/16 inch. also what are the average success rates for passing this test the first time. im not a pipe welder, i just want the all position test for the structural. thanks for all the help!!
Parent - By supermechanic (**) Date 10-25-2002 13:10
If you are comfortable with 3/32 then by all means use it, however you will be hard pressed to find many jobs in the field that will have you use small dia. wire, most jobs you will find 1/8 in use.
When I tested, no one even thought about testing unless they were sure that they had the skill, even then, some had to retest.
Good idea to be cert. 6g for structure, good luck.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 10-25-2002 13:32
I use a 1/8" for the root unless I'm welding 2" sch 40 or smaller. The 1/8" electrode reduces the number of starts and stops and works perfectly with little manipulation on a 3/32" gap with 3/32" land.

I have always tested people with 1/8" since that has always been what the contractor was using for production.

Have a good day

Gerald Austin
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / electrode dia. for 6g??

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