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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / 1960 SA200
- - By phaux (***) Date 03-29-2011 20:06
Have a machine I'm selling. Also listed on craigslist so I simply copied and pasted. You wouldn't believe some of the crap ppl try to trade me for my machine from that site :D

Have a 1960 red face sa 200 for sale. Has all new wiring, oil, volt, and temp gauges, new spark plugs, spark plug wires, fuel filter, oil and filter, start button, choke cable, belt, faceplate, radaitor hoses, switches and paint. I have the doors for it also but they are not painted. Asking $3,300, or trade for something of equal value such as atv, tractor, dozer, backhoe, truck(90's or later only), things that go bang, etc. Chris 817-689-1216

Commonly Asked Questions:
Q: Do you still have the welder?
A: If it's posted then yes I still have it

Q: Has the engine been rebuilt?
A: Not that I'm aware of. The engine runs great so there's no need to rebuild it.

Q: Why are you selling the welder?
A: I have 6 SA200's and an SA250 on my truck. I have too many and need to sell some.

Q: Does it work well?
A: Yes, it doesn't smoke, leak, or overheat. It lays a beautiful bead and yes the auxiliary power works.

Q: Can it weld with big rods?
A: Yes, it will also melt a rod if you crank it up and no it doesn't bog down or kill the machine.

Q: Is the sheet metal good?
A:Yes, the sheet metal is good on the machine except where the battery sits which is gone. I can put a new piece on but I never saw a reason since the machine sits on a truck and the battery would be fine.
Attachment: IMAG0225.jpg (287k)
Attachment: IMAG0223.jpg (412k)
Parent - - By dogweld (***) Date 04-13-2011 18:06
you have any pictures of motor an generator
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 04-15-2011 23:06
Can you email me some pics?
Parent - By phaux (***) Date 04-16-2011 13:23
Pics sent to both of yalls email addresses
Parent - By phaux (***) Date 04-16-2011 13:23
Located in Arlington TX btw
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / 1960 SA200

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