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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CSWIP to AWS Bridging Exam
- - By rodofgod (**) Date 03-31-2011 18:16
Hi All!

I am trying to find out what is involved in the “Part B” test to become an AWS CWI? I have been informed that I would need to take this as part of a bridging process from my CSWIP 3.2 qualification to a CWI. Despite asking the question to the TWI, information seems in short supply. When asked, TWI replied "multichoice paper consisting of 49 questions relating to the samples given." Can anyone expand on this?

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-31-2011 18:39
Part B of the CWI exam was a hands-on type practical test where they handed out the acceptance criteria "Part B" and then gave you some plastic (cast) weld samples to evaluate per this code "Part B". For me the examples wer very black or white in regards to whether they were acceptable or rejectable......I had heard stories of samples that were extremely borderline and really made you get down to the nitty gritty when trying to determine if they were acceptable or rejectable.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-31-2011 21:10
To expand upon what John has already said, the Part B examination utilizes a "made-up" specification containing various forms, preheat tables, base metal/filler metal combinations, criteria for bend testing, radiography, visual inspection, etc. The plastic sample welds are evaluated based on the requirements of the Part B Specification.

The Part B Specification takes a little from AWS, a little from ASME, and a little from "Lord" knows where, mixes it all up and tosses it at you. You are expected to forget everything you do in the "real world" and use the Part B Specification as it is written. That is easier for some people than it is for other.

There are some calculations involved as well. The calculations are rather simple. They include calculating ultimate tensile strength and elongation. You are expected to use a micrometer and a dial caliper to measure the size of test samples and calculate the cross sectional areas. There may be some comnversions involving converting SI units to customary units and vice versa.

I hope that helps.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 03-31-2011 21:15

To help give you an idea of the made up code Al is talking about AWS has an example here

Personally it was the easiest part and since I haven't found any study to satisfy my 9 year requirements looks like I will head to Miami next year and do the Part B myself.
Good Luck
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-31-2011 21:25
The CWI exam is in three parts: Part 'A' is the fundamentals, Part 'B' is the practical/hands on, and Part 'C' is the open book Code test.  Thus, the 'Part B' Practical Exam as everyone calls it.  Complete, as Al stated, with it's own code specification you are to go by.  This is to make sure you don't go from memory and are evaluating per the supplied code.  Since, after becoming an inspector you are expected to be able to inspect to ANY code, not just the one you take the open book exam to.

Some of the sample pieces would be very cut and dried if all you had to do was say rather it passed or was rejectable.  But remember, not all discontinuities make a weld rejectable.  And the multiple choice answers will work you over to make sure you know WHY it is either good or rejectable.

It is surprising how fast the two hours goes when you are trying to determine acceptability of a weld and compare the sample to the question and answers and all of that to the supplied code.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
- - By rodofgod (**) Date 04-01-2011 14:02
Hi All!

Thanks for all the info! Just got to book the exam now!

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-01-2011 14:04
You'll do well....I have no doubts
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CSWIP to AWS Bridging Exam

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