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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Where to train and test for CWI?
- - By Aldous Date 10-25-2002 17:43
I have been in the welding industry for over 10 years and have currently been a shop supervisor (spending more time under a hood than supervising) for the last 2 years. I have just had the recent misfortune of dropping 1500 lbs of steel on my leg and am looking at possible job retraining while off work.

I am very interested in training for my CWI but have found little information on courses and testing. Any advice or opinion on where you went and/or where you think the best place to go will be greatly appreciated. I currently live in Oregon, but would travel anywhere for testing.

Parent - By R. Johnson (**) Date 10-25-2002 21:02
You might try the online computer based training,
The weldacademy uses the same information in the Welding Inspection Technology Couse that the AWS sells and also uses in their CWI training programs. It will save you traveling and you can answer the questions at your own pace.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 10-25-2002 23:32
The tests are at various locations around the country and can be viewed at AWS offers seminars with these and so do other organizations. The specification can be viewed at which may get you started.

I'm a beleiver in self study and suggest AWS Welding Handbook volume one however it's probably just because I'm cheap! Many other sources offer training and you may be able to get together with a CWI or a person that is knowledgable about the CWI material and work something out.

Ask all the questions you like here. There are many CWI's, EX CWI's (me), and equally knowledgable people.

Have a good day
Parent - By DONK (*) Date 10-27-2002 01:15
ALDOUS,I live in MISSISSIPPI and there is a good one week prep class for the CWI test.If you live in OREGON enquire in the PORTLAND area or the SEATTLE area.HOBART has a 2 week prep class for CWI test and i think they hold in different parts of the country.I used to live in WISCONSIN and NORTH EASTERN WISCONSIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE in GREEN BAY has a 3 week prep class for the CWI test.Hope this helps. DON KUMPUNEN SUP SHIP PASCAGOULA
Parent - - By Aldous Date 10-28-2002 17:36
Thanks all for the replies. I am currently trying to fast track into the Portland OR area seminar and test but unfortunately it is just over a week away. Does anyone know if it is even worth it to try? If class is full will I get refunded my fast track fee?


Well... I just called AWS and the seminar I want is not full and if I get my app in I should make it in time. whew...I'm cutting it close. the only thing I need to do is get my employer to sign off on this thing. I sure wish he didn't hate me.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 10-28-2002 21:14
Unless you already know a lot about:

Welding Symbols
Metric Conversions
Physical Properties of Metals and the mathematics involved
All of the Welding and Cutting Processes
Welding Safety
Documents Governing Welding Inspection
Destructive Testing
Basic Metallurgy
Weld and Base Metal Discontinuities
All of the NDE Methods
Welding Fundamentals
The Code you have selected to test with

I suggest that you reconsider rushing into the test.
Your employer would probably like you less if he pays $2000+ for a Seminar and Testing that you may not be prepared for.
I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just asking if you are sure that you know what the test is all about.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Where to train and test for CWI?

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