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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Wet inspector
- - By Duke (***) Date 04-13-2011 12:15
For pipeline inspectors:
what do you guys use to keep from getting covered in mud while crawling around a bellhole.
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 04-13-2011 13:01
You really don't avoid the mud!  If the welder lets you use his mudboard, you can steer clear of most of it, but even an expensive Tyvek suit will get torn after a few joints and become useless.  I used as mirror whenever possible.  However, once you see undercut or excessive build-up you have to get down under and measure it.  I often had to do Magnetic Particle testing on the final pass inspection, and that took a lot of time on the bottom side.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 04-13-2011 13:14 Edited 04-13-2011 13:16
I've always kept at least 2 changes of clothes in the truck along with some coveralls on every job. I normally wear Hawaiian shirts all year round. If it gets F/U' what, I'll buy more...probably got 30 or more of them (Got more coming in the mail to me here in Afghanistan any day now!). Bottom line is, don't let them see you squirm about a little mud or drilling fluid, oil, what ever! The repercussions would be nasty. I know one pipeline QC that wears a new white shirt and new jeans the FIRST day. And then she, yes I said SHE, jumps right down in the ditch, preferably a muddy hole just to let them know!!!!
Hey, that's why we charge the big bucks right?
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 04-15-2011 17:42
Get higher up in the management chain...  :)
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Wet inspector

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