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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WPQ AND POSITIONS
- - By carlos_correia (*) Date 04-14-2011 23:37
Table QW-461.9 establish that a welder to be qualified for all positions using PLATE COUPONS shall be qualified in 2G, 3G and 4G.

QW-405.2 says “…Vertical – uphill progression (e.g., 3G, 5G, or 6G position) qualifies for all positions.”

So following QW-405.2 a welder qualified in 3G qualify for all positions but QW-461.9 establish that the welder only qualify for F,V  (for plate and pipe diameter >24 in)

Can someone help with this apparent contradiction?
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 04-15-2011 15:56 Edited 04-15-2011 17:40
You are mixing essential variables from PQR to WPQ which you can not.

QW-405.2 is an not an essential variable for WPQ applications

Refer to QW-352 thru QW-357 for welder performance essential variables.

Parent - - By flamin (**) Date 04-15-2011 19:58
Table QW-461.9 is for Performance Qualification. A welder who passes a qualification test in the 2G, 3G, and 4G is qualified to weld plate, and pipe over Ø24" in all positions. Pipe Ø2-7/8 OD and Ø24" and under is qualified for Flat and Horizontal only.

QW-203, Unless specifically required otherwise by the welding variables (QW-250), a qualification in any position quaifies the "procedure" for all position.........................A welder or welding operator making and passing the WPS qualification test is qualified for the position tested.

QW-405.2 is a supplementary essential variable for Procedure Qualification when notch toughness tests are required. If a procedure is qualified in the 3G, 5G, or 6G positions using a uphill progression, the procedure does not need to be requalified for other positions unless there is a change from Stiringers to Weaves.
If a procedure is qualified in the 1G, 2G, or 4G positions, another qualification would be required if a vertial up (3G) was needed, that had notch toughness test requirements.

Parent - By carlos_correia (*) Date 04-16-2011 16:48
thanks a lot! 
good deeply apprecited!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WPQ AND POSITIONS

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