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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Making a branch connection
- - By jsdwelder (***) Date 04-18-2011 00:42
Does anyone on here know of where I could get some info on how to make a branch connection, as would be required for API 1104? Videos, DVD's, books, posters things like that. Thank You.
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 04-18-2011 03:27
Use the search function on this site. There is alot of info on that available here. Any more questions just ask because the guys on here are THE BEST. Good luck.
Parent - By KFab (**) Date 04-28-2011 16:55
u really just have to make one.  buy the template and put them together.    the best thing is to find a welder that will show you.. most of the stuff i read really didnt help.  If it helps iv never done one in my life so i practiced and made one then tested the next day and passed a branch and a bell with crosstex inspector eyeing me. , hell if i can do it it cant be that hard.  just keep an eye out on how everyone else is doing them when u test  and buy some banana wedges.  The fit takes about 2 hours  u have to grind it perfect.    if it seams like ur fit it up in record time.. ur doing it wrong... u really got *u*k that sucker. im not a pipe liner so take what i say with a grain of salt.   thats how we did it on the space
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-30-2011 13:27
I have not laid one out myself but need to. Bought a template for a 12 but really need to learn how to lay it out. The pipefitters black book and blue book show how to lay it out. Talked to an old pipelined around here about it and he told me to use a centering head and make two marks on top the draw a line between the two giving the centerline. Then he started spitting out measurements to mark from the center out then once you have both sides done draw the line making the hole shape. Think this guy has done this a few times! Type of guy I would not mind fetching coffee for or cooking lunch just to have the chance to learn from. 

Check out the two books, seems like the blue book laid it out easier than the black book.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 04-30-2011 20:22
Instead of a wrap-a-round, I like to use banding metal when working alone on anything larger than 3". You can prebend it close to contour, and then use a magnet or 2, to hold one end on location while marking it out.
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 05-02-2011 22:15
Pipefitter's Blue Book
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Making a branch connection

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