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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Eye injury
- - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 04-23-2011 03:04
What's the best thing for a cut eye ball. Put tetracain in it but it just gets in the cut and makes it burn as it's numb. What's good to take the pain away?
Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 04-23-2011 03:08
Mister, why the heck aren't you at the hospital??
Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 04-23-2011 05:36
What Up ten said, Get to a doctor. Don't take a chance with your eyes..
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 04-23-2011 11:01
As stated go seek professional attention.
The eye is quick to heal but depending on the location of the laceration the prognosis could be career changing.
See an eye Quack.

But when I was young and invisible for eye burn and things stuck in my eye the only thing that could take the pain away enough to sleep was a fifth of rum.
I am glad I grew up.
Good Luck
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 04-28-2011 12:17
I finally went to a eye doctor and I had little peice of metal under my eye lid. And when I blinked it hurt. Now it's all good.
Parent - - By Northweldor (***) Date 04-28-2011 13:00
"I finally went to a eye doctor and I had little peice of metal under my eye lid. And when I blinked it hurt. Now it's all good. "

It took 5 days of pain(and all the advice given here) to convince you????
Parent - By rlitman (***) Date 04-28-2011 17:14
I've said this before, but some questions just don't lend themselves to being asked (or answered) on an internet forum.

Stuff along the lines of:
My house is on fire, what type of extinguisher should I purchase?
I'm bleeding and can't get off the kitchen floor, why won't my cousin who lives across the state answer the phone?
My car's brakes stopped working and I see a cliff ahead.  Can someone text me what to do?
I see an intruder in my house, should I reach for the 45 under the mattress, or go for the 12 gauge in the closet?
I got a piece of metal in my eye.  What should I do?
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 04-28-2011 22:21
Yes I loved the pain. I kinda miss it now. But what you may not know the first doc just said my eye was scratched. And he also said if the pain is still there in a few days go back and get it checked out. So when I went to the second doc, he flipped my eye lid. How's that? Does that convence you?
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-29-2011 01:42
I guess You now know which one not to go to ever again.
Parent - By rlitman (***) Date 05-02-2011 14:50
Well I'm not a doctor, so I cannot speculate on how easy that was to overlook, but man, that sucks.
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 04-24-2011 14:42
i give 1.50 per pair of sun/safety glasses. a hell of alot cheaper than a doctors visit. i havent had ANY eye problems since wearing safety glasses. Dont leave home without em!!!!
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 04-29-2011 02:07
This happened when I woke up in the morning. I felt it on my eye lash before I opened my eye, so I wiped it away and I opened my eye and it fell in. Wasn't at work.
Parent - By rlitman (***) Date 05-02-2011 14:47
That's how it happened to me.  I was wearing a full face shield while grinding with a tungsten burr.  A little shaving fell in some hours later.  It was just waiting for me to take off my face shield and glasses and wipe some sweat from by brow.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-25-2011 11:52 out for some of that numbing stuff.
Was at the Eye Doc getting my annual exam, she put in a couple of drops to check the pressures in my eye....frustrated that the drops didn't work quick enough, she reached back for the bottle and threw in a couple more drops. Finally that did the trick and she was able to get her exam done...she was writing down some notes on her clipboard and looked back up at me as I was sliding down out of the chair. LOL....turns out I'm highly allergic to something in those drops(possibly benoxinate?). She said that I had quit breathing and she was trying to hold me up in the chair so that I wouldn't hit the floor while her asst. was on the phone with 911....after a minute I started to come around and took a big gulp of air. I could hear her calling me way off in the distance somewhere...LOL. It wore off in about 30 minutes or so and I came back to work.
Big ole joke around here about how I can't handle numbing drops at the eye doc. Many of the employees here also go to the same eye doc so I couldn't keep it quiet long. I get teased at least once every year. After all of this the eye doc threw pillows down on the floor around the chair and laughed her butt off when she led me into the room with the chair and I saw those pillows. All in fun, but it could have been really serious....the eye is a quick channel to get something in your system, so be careful.
Parent - By AmberKennyJimmy Date 04-28-2011 10:34
I'm coming! Let's see what happens
- - By odleo Date 04-23-2011 03:42
Tyler-- Alleve.  Have you had a Doctor check your eye.  I was given some drops that would numb the eye seemed to take the pain away for a couple hours.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-23-2011 12:15
GO SEE A DOCTOR OR OPTOMETRIST    Either one can prescribe you some ponticane which will keep your eye numbed up.  GO SEE A DOC!
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 04-23-2011 12:23
Tetracaine is same thing but u need to see a doc u only got 2 eyes
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 04-23-2011 17:23
I am not sure I would put anything in my eye the doc didnt prescribe.
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 04-23-2011 17:36
I've heard of folks getting folks to get them pontocaine from Mexico that's scary!!
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-23-2011 18:19
I have some of it from Mexico. It's the same as you used to get here. I also have a Bottle of Tetracain
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 04-23-2011 19:08
Guys I went to the doc that mOrning. He gave me some antibotic drops. I got some tetracain from my brother yester day, but it still hurts with that an my eye. And the drops the doc gave me don't take any pain away. Just trying to see if you guys have any other tips to take or sooth the pain
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-23-2011 19:29
Crown Royal or Patron' will do the Trick
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-23-2011 22:17
Glad to hear you went to see a doctor. Be careful with the tetracaine, it is great for pain relief but can be detrimental to the eye if miss used or over used. I would avoid this product from Mexico. There is a high risk of contamination. It would not be the first case of "tainted" drugs from there.

Instead of drinking the cheap stuff, do it right with some Woodford Reserve. :cool:

May I ask how you "cut" your eyeball?

Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 04-24-2011 01:15
Man it was real weird. I drove home from cotulla Texas to bunkie Louisiana. Went to bed and when i woke around 7 I felt something on my eye lash, so I wipe it to the side. Just thinking it was eye crust and when I opened it had must of gotten inside. Has to be the worst thing ever to happen on a weekend like this. Couldn't even cut my grass, still pinned down oinside.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-24-2011 15:40
Ouch, sounds like my weekend. Hope it heals up OK.

Take care,
jrw159 :cool:
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-23-2011 22:32
Not sure about the pain but I"ve learned over the years to bypass the regular doc and go straight to the optometrist. They have all the gear for eyeballs and the experience to boot. Kinda like if your needing a space craft welded you'll want to go see the guy at Nasa, not me!! I've had the numbing drops just before they go to drilling on my eyeball and it works good but not sure if they give that out. Best bet is rest your eye, if you cut it and saw an optometrist I'm surprised they did not give you the old black beard treatment, the eye patch Arrgggghhhhh! I know after they go drilling on mine I about useless for the rest of the day, best to just find a spot on the couch and grab up a bunch of your favorite beverage and relax for a bit. Sleep is best for sure. Somebody said the eye heals fast, that it does but it's also about the worst place to have an injury, just irritating as all get out. If you got your antibiotic drops my doc usually gives me something else. The tiny bottle I have in the house is from Bausch and Lomb and called Alrex.

Best bet pop a couple tylenol and relax. Watch those eyeballs man, gonna be hard to weld if you got the "Ray Charles" thing goin' on.
Parent - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 04-24-2011 00:24
I remember when I was young and dumb, I was cutting on a car frame without any eye protection and got a hot piece of slag in one of my eyes. Fried it like an egg. Luckily, I had someone to take me to the ER and get it looked at. Once done there, I called the opthemologist who came into his office immediately. (this happened on a Sunday afternoon) He explained to me that it was a good thing that I called him since there is so much more that he as a specialist knew about the eyes over a regular ER doc. Long story short after is was all said and done, he told me that the eyes do have the ability to heal faster than any other part of the body and that after he was done doing all of his stuff, I was to keep the eye patch over it for 3 days; after which I could remove it and my eye should be fine. Sure enough, I did just as he said and after the 3 days were up and the patch removed, it was as if it was never injured.
I am fortunate to still have perfect vision after all of these years. Take care of them... they are the only ones you got. 

Try giving both your eyes a rest and keep them closed for a while... When you are looking out of just the uninjured one, you are still moving the affected eye, thus causing further irritation. Best to lay down and keep them both shut to allow for healing.
Parent - - By Northweldor (***) Date 04-24-2011 12:04
I think you mean "opthamologist" (optometrist is the glasses guy), but I second your advice, and would not trust my eyes to a non-specialist. Most gps give you an immediate referral.
Parent - By jpill (**) Date 04-24-2011 14:07
Opthamologist have gotten to the point of not giving the numbing drops out as much as they used to. To many "if one drop does good three drops will do better" , the numbing drops if overused will actually dissolve the top skin/membrane layer on the eye. I have started keeping a bottle of the Similisan or Walgreen brand "pink eye" drops in my toolbox. It is a sulfa based drop that is good for minor irritations and keeps the chance of infection down. For metal in the eye or cuts though a trip to the eye doc is always in order.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-24-2011 14:19
Thank you for the correction, went to optometrist once, he was 50 times better than my most recent trip to the ER. Doc on call used a needle for giving shots to "flick" the metal from my eye.
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 04-24-2011 19:19
Hey yea one doc tried that on me. Where do they get some doctors at?
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 04-24-2011 20:54

That bent tip hypodermic needle IS the proper tool for removing microscopic shrapnell from the eye.  In Viet Nam, I got 37 pieces in one eye and 113 pieces in the other eye.  I spent hours in a head rack for several days while the opthalmologist picked all the pieces out.  One piece (1 MM x 3MM, Non-Magnetic) went inside the eyeball, and  I was Med-Evaced to Camp Zama Japan for open eye surgery.  There, they determined that the piece inside the eyeball was not ferrous,and could remain, unless it began to move around.  This was great for me, because I was a Pilot, and I needed 20-20 vision. I went directly back to Viet Nam for 18 more months, all in combat flying.   In the end, I had 20-10- vision until I turned 60 or so, when I needed .reading glasses.

Joe Kane
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-24-2011 21:28
The eye doc usually uses the little drill for me. Gotta hand it to the doc with the needle though, steady as a rock and I could see the needle coming and here it as she tried to flick it.
Parent - - By rlitman (***) Date 04-25-2011 19:58
I've seen the needle and the drill up close, and that post still gives me the shivers.

When the doc gave me the numbing drops before trying to pull the piece of metal out, I complained that it wasn't doing anything, so she grabbed a black labeled dropper bottle out of a locked cabinet, and as my tears drained it numbed my nose and throat almost completely.  If you ask, they're sure to have something that stops the pain, at least for as long as they need to poke around.

The biggest risk of not going to an eye doctor is infection.  The antibiotic drops I was prescribed were slightly soothing and lubricating, but they also prevent an infection that could easily risk your sight in BOTH eyes.  Yes, the cornea is the fastest healing part of your body, but an injury to is is nothing to take lightly (no pun intended).
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 04-26-2011 00:37

You mentioned something very important.   "...could easily risk your sight in BOTH eyes".   Sympathetic damage to the good (uninjured) eye is also a real danger.

Any welder or metal worker, who gets an eye injury and does not get to a doctor immediately,  should call his best friends over and ask them to give him a two week A** kicking to help take his mind off any eye pain!

Joe Kane
Parent - By KFab (**) Date 04-28-2011 16:46
a buddy gave me stuff for my eye sense i had pretty bad arc flash... well it worked great but apparently its for horses.. lol
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Eye injury

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